This extension allows retailers to upload and sync their catalogue and WYSIWYG images to/with Google Cloud Storage. Based heavily on Arkade S3 extension., (*1)
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The following images are automatically synced with GCS:, (*4)
Product images, (*5)
Generated thumbnails, (*6)
WYSIWYG images, (*7)
Category images, (*8)
, (*9)
Complex file syncing between multiple servers is now a thing of the past. Your servers will be able to share the one GCS bucket as the source for media files., (*10)
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The latest release will be available on composer. In the Magento root folder, simply enter 'composer require bangerkuwranger/magento2-google-cloud-storage' in the command line and then 'composer update' to install. You'll probably want to update the db and recompile Magento after to be on the safe side., (*12)
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Feel free to create a GitHub issue for support regarding this extension; support will be somewhat limited, but we'll try to address any issues if possible, (*14)
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No, this only syncs files in the pub/media folder. You will need to find an alternative solution to store your log files., (*17)
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We always recommend taking a backup of your media files when switching file storage systems. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to restore images if you somehow accidentally delete them., (*19)
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Original logic was written for Amazon S3 by Thai Phan, (*21)
Initial port and some logic changes for GCS done by Chad A. Carino, (*22)
Complete rewrite of logic, namespacing, and all GCS functions within Magento 2 context done by Ramki Rajamanickam, (*23)