Displays a hint when a configuration value is overwritten on a lower scope (website or store view)., (*1)
(registered at Packagist)Whenever a configuration setting is overwritten by a lower level website or store view, an icon is displayed. On Mouseover, a list of all stores / websites which overwrite the setting is shown with the respective values. See the screenshot to get an impression of what the module does:, (*2)
, (*3)
The module also displays the configuration code (which is used for ScopeConfigInterface::getValue()
) with the configuration fields., (*4)
composer require avstudnitz/scopehint2
in your Magento root dir from the command lineapp/code/AvS/ScopeHint/
in the Magento 2 root.bin/magento module:enable AvS_ScopeHint
.bin/magento setup:upgrade
.bin/magento module:uninstall AvS_ScopeHint
or use Composer to remove the extension if you have installed it with ComposerIf you have any issues with this extension, open an issue on GitHub., (*5)
Any contribution is highly appreciated. The best way to contribute code is to open a pull request on GitHub., (*6)
Andreas von Studnitz, integer_net, (*7)
http://www.integer-net.com, (*8)
@avstudnitz, (*9)
OSL - Open Software Licence 3.0, (*10)
(c) 2017 Andreas von Studnitz / integer_net GmbH, (*11)