A Flarum extension that makes POST requests to URLs you specify when certain events happen., (*1)
Supported Events
Only the following events are currently supported. Feel free to make a pull request to add more.
* PostWasPosted, (*2)
composer require antriver/flarum-http-hooks
There is no UI for specifying the URLs. Instead you must add an entry to your database containing a JSON string., (*3)
Example configuration:, (*4)
{"PostWasPosted":["http://www.example.com/someplace", "https://www.example.org/otherplace"]}
Makes those 2 URLs receive a POST request when Flarum's PostWasPosted event fires., (*5)
To add this to you settings table:, (*6)
INSERT INTO `settings` (`key`, `value`)
('flarum-http-hooks.urls', '{\"PostWasPosted\":[\"http://www.example.com/someplace\", \"https://www.example.org/otherplace\"]}');