A complete CouchDB Query Server written in PHP.
Lint is a wrapper to `PHP -l` command.
Pygmentize is a wrapper to `pygmentize`, the command line interface provided by Pygments, a python syntax highlighter.
Provides access to the Digital Public Library of America's API.
SDK for hlrcheck.com
Object-oriented custom post type/taxonomies framework for Wordpress
Image transformation filter for ZF2 via Imagine
Module for Zend Framework 2 to log errors and exceptions
Library for support of the pdo_dblib (MSSQL) driver in Doctrine
NuSOAP re-packaged for Packagist/Composer
Бандл для работы с сервисом отслеживания Почты России
Structure provides a set of classes to check the data type and format of your variables.
Temporal provides a way to modify a static number with temporal tokens using redis
Smarty Template Engine
PHP Yaml Parser
Laravel 5 generators.
A PHP Library to access EVE Online's CREST API
PHP Eve Api Library, a simple PHP lib to access the EVE Online API
A opinionated Wordpress base theme based on Sage
Client for 3scale web service management system API
A database interface package for Laravel, modified!
401 Wordpress Installer
Send message from backend use sms, email, wechat, websockt
Composer distribution of Selenium Server Standalone, the browser automation framework.
Functional programming tools for PHP
An MVC framework for PHP
Towel framework project structure.
Basic docker bash build scripts
Almost INI, parser/emitter inspired by ArchieML and PHP array
PHP parser for the Archie Markup Language
A featureless form helper
http resource
PDO supplements
The \Http\Resource starter kit
Tag string generator (Engineered for making soup)
Apparently WHMCS has it's own DI container but we'll keep our own container aside because we don't want to mess things up
Wraps WHMCS hooks into Symfony's event dispatcher
Allows to work with addon pages in MVC manner
A set of models for WHMCS tables
Общая библиотека (php-хелперы, валидаторы, js и т.д.) для всех модулей всех проектов.
Use the database library separately from CodeIgniter 3 (fork from evolution/codeigniterdb)
a easy php sdk for aodianyun dms