Generates FEC files (french accounting)
Generates PDF
Access data from Qowisio Cloud API
Automatically and recursively require_once all php files in a given directory.
Laravel Dev Helper Functions
Easy file upload management for the Laravel Framework.
Elegant and simple ORM-based file upload package for php.
PHP battle class
PHP simple class
Library for automated REST API testing using fixtures
Component for calculating difference of arrays
Component for array validation
Federal Reserve FedACH Participant RDFIs
A Laravel package for Saml2 integration as a SP (service provider) based on OneLogin toolkit, which is much lightweight than simplesamlphp
Library to do from debug something easy (hopefully)
Aadhaar API PHP Client
Test module for testing Composer dependencies
A War (the card game) engine
Log in to WordPress with secure passwordless magic links.
WP_Options OAuth Token Storage Class for Lusitanian/PHPoAuthLib
Architect Application Framework v2
A SoapClient wrapper that uses ext-curl.
Instagram PHP SDK
A WordPress/WooCommerce client library for PayEx Payments API
PHP library to split names into their respective components (first, last, etc). Fork of joshfraser/PHP-Name-Parser
Generic queue
A hashed password generator, returning passwords identical to
Laravel package acts like a proxy for AJAX requests to remote server.
Collections Abstraction library
Object-Relational-Mapper for PHP by aaleksu
Misscellaneous classes to use with Yii2
Backoffice for Laravel
Configurable attributes for Symfony
calculating the distance between differents points
Email confirmation for Laravel 4
Laravel Facade for Facebook PHP SDK
Valid address provider for Faker
Simple menu for Laravel
Internal message for laravel
Table des villes de france
Indeed job search
Woorpa PHP SDK
Laravel package to recover information of the Comparison service provider, using the Aanbieders API
A wrapper to work with Seven Segment OCR for PHP.
AuthToken is an authentication token manager for laravel-based APIs
Jabba is a PHP file management library
is a test