This is work in progress, expect to have problems!, (*1)
This is a library for adding [Compass]0 to your scssphp installation., (*2)
The project composed of a couple parts:, (*3)
- A script that checks out Compass and extracts the SCSS
- A PHP class that hooks into a instance of
from scssphp. This script
updates the import path and adds built in functions required my Compass
Compass' SCSS is checked into this repository, so you only need to run the
extract script if you are updating the version of Compass that is included., (*4)
scssphp-compass is a Composer package. Add the following to your
:, (*5)
"require": {
"leafo/scssphp-compass": "dev-master"
require "vendor/autoload.php";
$scss = new scssc();
new scss_compass($scss);
echo $scss->compile('
@import "compass";
.shadow {
@include box-shadow(10px 10px 8px red);