A library of connecting Pay2go's invoice service.
A library of connecting Pay2go's invoice service., (*1)
This project has been moved to here, (*2)
此 Package 共實作了四種發票 API 操作,分別為「開立」、「折讓」、「作廢」、「查詢」,並將結果以 Array 傳回。, (*3)
composer require yfancc20/pay2go-einvoice:dev-master
(a) In config/app.php
,, (*4)
'providers' => [ /* * Laravel Framework Service Providers... */ Illuminate\Auth\AuthServiceProvider::class, Illuminate\Broadcasting\BroadcastServiceProvider::class, ... ... Yfancc20\Pay2goInvoice\Pay2goInvoiceServiceProvider::class,
After adding the ServiceProvider, publish the config file., (*5)
php artisan vendor:publish
(b) Because the proivder is only for publishing the config, you can also copy it manually without adding the provider., (*6)
cp vendor/yfancc20/pay2go-einvoice/config/pay2goinv.php config/pay2goinv.php
Remember that the filename pay2goinv.php
should not be changed!, (*7)
use Yfancc20\Pay2goInvoice\Invoice;
開立發票共有三種模式,分別為 B2C, 捐贈, B2B。 本 Package 使用欄位 BuyerType (非智付寶官方提供欄位)做區分,此欄位為必填。, (*9)
$data = [ 'BuyerType' => '0', // B2C 'MerchantOrderNo' => <自訂商品編號>, 'BuyerName' => <買受人姓名>, 'CarrierType' => <載具類別>, // 0:手機條碼, 1:自然人憑證條碼載具 2:智付寶載具 'CarrierNum' => <載具編號>, 'ItemPrice' => <商品單價>, 'ItemName' => <商品名稱>, 'ItemUnit' => <商品單位>, ];
// 捐贈 $data = [ 'BuyerType' => '1', 'MerchantOrderNo' => <自訂商品編號>, 'BuyerName' => <買受人姓名>, 'LoveCode' => <愛心碼>, 'ItemPrice' => <商品單價>, 'ItemName' => <商品名稱>, 'ItemUnit' => <商品單位>, ];
// B2B $data = [ 'BuyerType' => '2', // B2B 'MerchantOrderNo' => <自訂商品編號>, 'BuyerName' => <買受人姓名>, 'BuyerUBN' => <買受人統一編號>, 'ItemPrice' => <商品單價>, 'ItemName' => <商品名稱>, 'ItemUnit' => <商品單位>, ];
呼叫函式, (*10)
$invoice = new Invoice(); $result = $invoice->create(data);
[補充] - 除了上述欄位外,可參考官方API提供其他需要的欄位,例如:BuyerAddress(買受人地址), BuyerEmail(買受人信箱), Comment(發票備註)。 - 商品數量預設為 1。 - 商品單位若不設置,預設為「個」。, (*11)
$data = [ 'InvoiceNo' => <發票號碼>, 'MerchantOrderNo' => <自訂商品編號>, 'ItemName' => <商品名稱>, 'ItemUnit' => <商品單位>, 'TotalAmt' => <商品總額>, 'BuyerEmail' => <買受人信箱>, // 可不填,若填寫則智付寶將寄信通知買受人。 ]; $invoice = new Invoice(); $result = $invoice->allow($data);
[補充] - 商品數量預設為 1。 - 商品單位若不設置,預設為「個」。, (*13)
$data = [ 'InvoiceNumber' => <發票號碼>, 'InvalidReason' => <作廢理由>, ]; $invoice = new Invoice(); $result = $invoice->void($data);
查詢發票的回傳結果有兩種顯示方式,一為直接回傳資料,二為以Post Form的方式導向智付寶發票頁面,可在 config/pay2goinv.php
中設定 DisplayFlag
的值。, (*16)
// 直接回傳資料 // 'DisplayFlag' => '', // 導向智付寶發票頁面 // 'DisplayFlag' => '1',
查詢發票的查詢方式亦有兩種,一為發票金額&隨機碼,二為自訂商品編號與總金額,可在 config/pay2goinv.php
中設定 SearchType
的值。, (*17)
// 發票金額&隨機碼 // 'SearchType' => '0' // 商品編號&總金額 // 'SearchType' => '1'
根據上述兩種方式:, (*18)
// When SearchType is 0
$data = [ 'InvoiceNumber' => 發票號碼, 'RandomNum' => 隨機碼, ];, (*19)
// When SearchType is 1 $data = [ 'MerchantOrderNo' => <自訂商品編號>, 'TotalAmt' => <商品總金額>, ]; $invoice = new Invoice(); $result = $invoice->search($data);
可接受 Object or Array 兩種型態。$data
取得類別中實際送出的資料。// Example: (This will get nothing.) $invoice = new Invoice(); $result = $invoice->getPostData(); // Example: (Cont. This will get the original data you posted to Pay2go.) $invoice = new Invoice(); $invoice->create($data); $postData = $invoice->getPostData();
取得API呼叫結果後的原始資料。// Example: (This will get nothing.) $invoice = new Invoice(); $result = $invoice->getRawResult(); // Example: (This will get the raw data you got from Pay2go.) $invoice = new Invoice(); $invoice->create($data); $rawResult = $invoice->getRawResult();
Pay2go E-Invoice API, (*20)