This package provides an easy way to get a PHP 5.2 compatible autoloader out of Composer. The generated autoloader is fully compatible to the original and is written into separate files, each ending with _52.php
., (*1)
Please do not use this, if you can avoid it. It's a horrible hack, often breaks and is extremely tied to Composer's interna. This package was originally developed in 2012, when PHP 5.2 was much more common on cheap webhosts., (*2)
In 2016, this package has been moved from Bitbucket to a Github organization, because the original developer could no longer reliably maintain it. This is the reason for this legacy package name xrstf/...
., (*3)
In your project's composer.json
, add the following lines:, (*4)
{ "require": { "xrstf/composer-php52": "1.*" }, "scripts": { "post-install-cmd": [ "xrstf\\Composer52\\Generator::onPostInstallCmd" ], "post-update-cmd": [ "xrstf\\Composer52\\Generator::onPostInstallCmd" ], "post-autoload-dump": [ "xrstf\\Composer52\\Generator::onPostInstallCmd" ] } }
After the next update/install, you will have a vendor/autoload_52.php
file, that you can simply include and use in PHP 5.2 projects., (*5)