Lightweight PSR-3 compatible Logging Framework for PHP7+ which, as the name implies, does not log or do anything else., (*1)
This class only exists because I often will create my packages with a lot of debugging and other statements, and I see
myself on the necessity of having this class defined in the package itself, which breaks the rule that a package should
do one and only one thing correctly., (*2)
If you are facing the same problem, you can also use this class. It is released under the MIT license., (*3)
This class will also inherit some Monolog exclusive methods as I often see myself using these ones. New methods may be
added in the future., (*4)
What is ...?
PSR-3 came into life as a way to create a common interface for Logger Frameworks: this way, you can rewrite libraries to
receive a Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
object and write logs to it in a simple and universal way., (*5)
Monolog is the de-facto standard framework used by the PHP community in order to log stuff. You can check the Monolog's
homepage here., (*6)
No tests needed because this package does not do any processing of data. In the event that it will in the future, tests
will be added., (*7)