In some cases, you may want to mock a class's methods without using testing facility like https://github.com/padraic/mockery. This trait will let you do that., (*1)
composer require --dev unit-testing/class-spy:dev-master
- or in
block of composer.json
, add "unit-testing/class-spy": "dev-master"
and then run composer update
In your phpunit test, you'll create a stub of your class under test. In that stub definition, add use \UnitTesting\ClassSpy\WatchableTrait;
. Your stub will be extended with the following methods:, (*2)
: For any method you want to test on the stub, you can create (or override its parent) method by calling return $this->trackMethodCall();
from within the method.
: Returns an array of all the arguments passed to all tracked methods. The array has a list of method names as keys and an array of arguments passed to the method as the value.
getMethodCalls($method, $index = null)
: Pass the method name to get the arguments passed to it. Optionally add an index (where 1 = the first call) to get the arguments for a specific call if the method was called more than once. If the argument was never called, or was not called less times than the index provided, it will return null.
: Get the last set of arguments for a particular method.
setMethodResult($method, $result)
: Fake a specific result to be passed back from your tracked method. If the $result
parameter is an instance Closure
, the Closure will be executed with the actual parameters and its result will be returned.
All of the above have their equivalents for static class methods: trackStaticMethodCall
, getAllStaticMethodCalls
, getStaticMethodCalls
, getLastStaticMethodCall
, setStaticMethodResult
., (*3)
<?php namespace UnitTesting\ClassSpy;
class WatchableTraitIntegrationTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
function test_WatchableTrait_TracksCalls()
$instance = new SomeTestClassStub;
// let's make some calls to this method
$instance->doSomething('baz', 'boo');
// all the tracked method and their arguments can be retrieved with getAllMethodCalls()
'doSomething' => array(
array('baz', 'boo'),
'doSomethingElse' => array(
), $instance->getAllMethodCalls());
// get a specific method's argument calls
array('baz', 'boo'),
), $instance->getMethodCalls('doSomething'));
// get a specific method's argument calls with an index, remember 2 = second call
$this->assertEquals(array(), $instance->getMethodCalls('doSomething', 2));
// get the last argument call
$this->assertEquals(array('baz', 'boo'), $instance->getMethodCalls('doSomething', 'last'));
// another way to do the above
$this->assertEquals(array('baz', 'boo'), $instance->getLastMethodCall('doSomething'));
// trying to access a call on a tracked method with an index beyond the actual number of calls yields null
$this->assertNull($instance->getMethodCalls('doSomething', 100));
// something that is never called will yield null
function test_WatchableTraitOnStatic_TracksCalls()
// let's make some calls to this method
SomeTestClassStub::doSomethingStatic('baz', 'boo');
// all the tracked method and their arguments can be retrieved with getAllMethodCalls()
'doSomethingStatic' => array(
array('baz', 'boo'),
), SomeTestClassStub::getAllStaticMethodCalls());
// don't forget to reset calls on a static for subsequent tests
function test_WatchableTrait_CanSetResponses()
$instance = new SomeTestClassStub;
// let's set up a simple response
$instance->setMethodResult('doSomething', 'same result every time');
// it will always return same thing
$this->assertEquals('same result every time', $instance->doSomething());
$this->assertEquals('same result every time', $instance->doSomething('foo'));
$this->assertEquals('same result every time', $instance->doSomething('foo', 'bar'));
// return something based upon the parameter
$instance->setMethodResult('doSomething', function($param)
return $param . ' result';
// it will now return value based upon our closure
$this->assertEquals('foo result', $instance->doSomething('foo'));
$this->assertEquals('bar result', $instance->doSomething('bar'));
class SomeTestClassStub {
// add this trait to set this class up for testing
use \UnitTesting\ClassSpy\WatchableTrait;
public function doSomething()
// this will actuall track the method and its arguments.
// Be sure to return its value if you want to mock some return values.
return $this->trackMethodCall();
public function doSomethingElse()
// we'll just set up another one the same as above for illustration purposes.
return $this->trackMethodCall();
public static function doSomethingStatic()
// we'll do the same for a static method
return self::trackStaticMethodCall();