, (*1)
A Pimple service based on the Hookable Service Provider that facilitates the creation of metaboxes for post meta
fields. The items in a metabox representing post meta fields are compatible with WordPress revisions and autosaves.
This service can be registered in a pimple container and be used in WordPress themes or plugins., (*2)
This metabox helper service comes with the following types of items out of the box:
* Text inputs
* Dropdown fields (implemented with selectize)
* Textareas
* TinyMCE Editors, (*3)
This service is installable via Composer and relies on it's class autoloading mechanism. You can package the vendor
directory with you theme or plugin, with your WordPress installation or with a setup of your choosing., (*4)
Create a composer project for your plugin or theme:, (*5)
cd your-plugin-directory
# install composer phar
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
# create a basic composer.json
./composer.phar init
Add the metabox helper service as a dependency in your composer.json, (*6)
./composer.phar require tmf/wp-metabox-helper ~0.1
Create a pimple container and register the metabox helper service, (*7)
// load the vendors via composer autoload
if (file_exists( __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php')) {
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Tmf\Wordpress\Service\Metabox\MetaboxServiceProvider,
// create the service container
$services = new Pimple\Container();
// register the metabox helper with this service provider. the service is registered with the 'metaboxes' key
$services->register(new MetaboxServiceProvider());
Add a metabox and some metabox items representing post meta values, (*8)
add_action('admin_init', function () use ($services) {
// create a metabox for 'post' post types
$services['metaboxes']['foo'] = new Metabox('Foo', ['post'], 'normal', 'high');
// add item: the key is the post meta key
$services['metaboxes']['foo']['text'] = new InputItem(['label' => 'Metatext', 'description' => 'Some description']);
$services['metaboxes']['foo']['dropdown'] = new DropdownItem([['label' => 'Foo', 'value'=>'foo'], ['label' => 'Bar', 'value'=>'bar']]);
$services['metaboxes']['foo']['editor'] = new EditorItem();
If you want to use your own metabox items, your item must implement the Tmf\Wordpress\Service\Metabox\Item\MetaboxItemInterface
You can, however, extend any of the available items or the Tmf\Wordpress\Service\Metabox\Item\TwigTemplateItemRenderer
. If you want to define your own Twig templates for the item rendering, add a Twig loader to the Twig Chain:, (*9)
add_action('add_meta_boxes', function() use ($services) {
$this->getContainer()->extend('metaboxes.twig.loader', function($loader, $services){
/** @var Twig_Loader_Chain $loader */
$loader->addLoader(new Twig_Loader_Filesystem(get_stylesheet_directory() . '/templates/items'));
return $loader;
}, 95); // additional twig loaders should be registered between priority 90 and 100