A library for managing linux cron jobs.
PHP library to manage programmatically GNU/Linux cron jobs., (*1)
It enables you to :, (*2)
command-line utility (should be already installed in your
, if you want to manage crontab of another user than runtime
user without running into right issues (see below)The library can be installed using Composer., (*3)
composer require tiben/crontab-manager ~1.0
The library is composed of three classes:, (*4)
is an entity class which represents a cron job.CrontabRepository
is used to persist/retrieve your cron jobs.CrontabAdapter
handles cron jobs persistance in the crontab.In order to work, the CrontabRepository needs an instance of CrontabAdapter., (*5)
``` {.php} $crontabRepository = new CrontabRepository(new CrontabAdapter());, (*6)
### Create new Job and persist it into the crontab Suppose you want to create a new job which consists of launching the command "df >> /tmp/df.log" every day at 23:30. You can do it in two ways. - In Pure oo way : ``` {.php} $crontabJob = new CrontabJob(); $crontabJob ->setMinutes(30) ->setHours(23) ->setDayOfMonth('*') ->setMonths('*') ->setDayOfWeek('*') ->setTaskCommandLine('df >> /tmp/df.log') ->setComments('Logging disk usage'); // Comments are persisted in the crontab ``` - From raw cron syntax string using a factory method : ``` {.php} $crontabJob = CrontabJob::createFromCrontabLine('30 23 * * * df >> /tmp/df.log'); ``` You can now add your new cronjob in the crontab repository and persist all changes to the crontab. ``` {.php} $crontabRepository->addJob($crontabJob); $crontabRepository->persist();
Suppose we want to modify the hour of an already existing cronjob. Finding existings jobs is done using some regular expressions. The regex is applied to the entire crontab line., (*7)
``` {.php} $results = $crontabRepository->findJobByRegex('/Logging\ disk\ usage/'); $crontabJob = $results[0]; $crontabJob->setHours(21); $crontabRepository->persist();, (*8)
### Remove a cron job from the crontab You can remove a job like this : ``` {.php} $results = $crontabRepository->findJobByRegex('/Logging\ disk\ usage/'); $crontabJob = $results[0]; $crontabRepository->removeJob($crontabJob); $crontabRepository->persist();
Note: Since cron jobs are internally matched by reference, they must be previously obtained from the repository or previously added., (*9)
This feature allows you to manage the crontab of another user than the
user who launched the runtime. This can be useful when the runtime user
is www-data
but the owner of the crontab you want to edit is your own
linux user account., (*10)
To do this, simply pass the username of the crontab owner as parameter
of the CrontabAdapter constructor. Suppose you are www-data
and you
want to edit the crontab of user bobby
:, (*11)
``` {.php} $crontabAdapter = new CrontabAdapter('bobby'); $crontabRepository = new CrontabRepository($crontabAdapter);, (*12)
Using this way you will propably run into user rights issues. This can be handled by editing your sudoers file using 'visudo'.\ If you want to allow user `www-data` to edit the crontab of user `bobby`, add this line: www-data ALL=(bobby) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/crontab which tells sudo not to ask for password when user `www-data` calls `crontab` as user `bobby` using `sudo` Now, you can access to the crontab of user `bobby` like this : ``` {.php} $crontabAdapter = new CrontabAdapter('bobby', true); $crontabRepository = new CrontabRepository($crontabAdapter);
Note the second parameter true
of the CrontabAdapter constructor call.
This boolean tells the CrontabAdapter to use sudo
internally when
calling crontab
., (*13)
You can enable or disable your cron jobs by using the setEnabled()
method of a CronJob object accordingly :, (*14)
, (*15)
This will prepend your cron job with a #
in your
crontab when persisting it., (*16)
Additionally, if you cannot read another user's crontabs or if you are on a distributed architecture where crons are not
run on the machine executing the jobs, you can create any other Adapter for your architecture
by implementing the CrontabAdapterInterface
., (*17)
You can then instantiate the CrontabRepository
with your adapter., (*18)
Tests have been written using PHPUnit and require version 5.3+. To execute tests:, (*19)
$ phpunit <crontab-library-path>/tests
If you installed the library using Composer and installed dev-dependencies you can execute them using included PHPUnit as dependency:, (*20)
$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit <crontab-library-path>/tests
... are welcome :), (*21)