An API client for the REST API of webling.ch., (*1)
This client is currently used for our own projects and might not support all cases.
Feel free to open issues or pull requests for questions or feature requests., (*2)
$ composer.phar require terminal42/webling-api ^2.0@dev
If you are using Symfony, we recommend using our Webling Bundle., (*3)
$subdomain = 'meinverein';
$apiKey = 'foobar';
$apiVersion = '1';
$client = new Client($subdomain, $apiKey, $apiVersion);
// Example call for member list:
The EntityManager
If you're looking for a more convenient way to work with the API instead of
calling it directly, you can work with the EntityManager
., (*4)
The main issue with the webling API is the fact that requesting resource lists
(e.g. /member
) will only return an array of object ID's instead of
additional data like the member last name or first name., (*5)
The EntityList
will take care of this and lazy load the additional details
whenever you need them. That way you can easily iterate over a list of members:, (*6)
$em = EntityManager::createForAccount($subdomain, $apiKey);
$entityList = $em->findAll('member');
foreach ($entityList as $member) {
echo $member->getId();
echo $member->getProperty('Name');
// etc.
The QueryBuilder
The QueryBuilder components allows to find entities using complex search queries.
It is highly recommended to use an IDE with code autocompletion for easy usage., (*7)
Example 1: find member by name
$qb = new QueryBuilder();
$query = $qb->where('Firstname')->isEqualTo('Max')->andWhere('Lastname')->isEqualTo('Muster')->build();
Result: Firstname = "Max" AND Lastname = "Muster"
, (*8)
Example 2: find member by complex conditions
$qb = new QueryBuilder();
$query = $qb
Result: '(Firstname = "Max" AND Lastname = "Muster") OR (Lastname = "Max" AND "Firstname" = "Muster")', (*9)