Yii2 RMDB Classes
Library with migrations and models to easily create RMDB tables and models., (*1)
You can use composer to install the library tecnocen/yii2-rmdb
by running the
command;, (*2)
composer require tecnocen/yii2-rmdb
, (*3)
or edit the composer.json
file, (*4)
require: {
"tecnocen/yii2-rmdb": "*",
Create Migrations
There are 3 migration classes for each type of RMDB tables., (*5)
Uses the properties $createdByColumn
, $createdAtColumn
and methods
, createdAtDefinition()
to store the user and datetime
a record was created., (*6)
class m170101_000001_product_sale extends \tecnocen\rmdb\migrations\CreatePivot
public $createdByColumn = 'creation_user';
public $createdAtColumn = 'creation_date';
public function getTableName()
return 'product_sale';
public function columns()
return [
'product_id' => ...,
'sale_id' => ...,
public function compositePrimaryKeys()
return ['product_id', 'sale_id'];
Extends the previous class adding the properties $updatedByColumn
and methods updatedByDefinition()
, updatedAtDefinition()
to store the user and datetime a record was updated., (*7)
class m170101_000001_product extends \tecnocen\rmdb\migrations\CreateEntity
public $createdByColumn = 'creation_user';
public $createdAtColumn = 'creation_date';
public $updatedByColumn = 'edition_user';
public $updatedAtColumn = 'edition_date';
public function getTableName()
return 'product';
public function columns()
return [
'id' => $this->prymariKey()->...,
'name' => ...,
A persistent entity remains stored in the database after the user deletes it., (*8)
The library yii2tech/ar-softdelete
provides support for this functionality., (*9)
extends the previous class adding the properties
, $deletedAtColumn
and methods deletedByDefinition()
to store the user and datetime a record was deleted., (*10)
class m170101_000001_sale extends \tecnocen\rmdb\migrations\CreateEntity
public $createdByColumn = 'creation_user';
public $createdAtColumn = 'creation_date';
public $updatedByColumn = 'edition_user';
public $updatedAtColumn = 'edition_date';
public $deletedByColumn = 'deletion_user';
public $deletedAtColumn = 'deletion_date';
public function getTableName()
return 'product';
public function columns()
return [
'id' => $this->prymariKey()->...,
'store_id' => ...,
RMDB Module
This library uses a custom module to help configure all the extended models
in an unified way., (*11)
configure it in your common\config\main.php
in yii-app-advanced
in yii-app-basic
., (*12)
use tecnocen\rmdb\Module as RmdbModule;
return [
// ...
'modules' => [
'rmdb' => [
'class' => RmdbModule::class,
'timestampClass' => ..., // optional
'blameableClass' => ..., // optional
'softDeleteClass' => ..., // optional
'timestampValue' => time(), // optional by default uses `now()`
'defaultUserId' => 5, // optional
Like the migrations there are 3 classes for models., (*13)
Adds protected properties $createdByAttribute
and $createdAtAttribute
configure the names of the attributes. The class will automatically load the
needed behaviors and configure them to use the attributes as provided by this
properties., (*14)
class ProductSale extends \tecnocen\rmdb\models\Pivot
protected $createdByAttribute = 'creation_user';
protected $createdAtAttribute = 'creation_date';
// rest of model methods and logic
Extends the previos class and adds protected properties $updatedByAttribute
and $updatedAtAttribute
to configure the names of the attributes. The class
will automatically load the needed behaviors and configure them to use the
attributes as provided by this properties., (*15)
class Product extends \tecnocen\rmdb\models\Entity
protected $createdByAttribute = 'creation_user';
protected $createdAtAttribute = 'creation_date';
protected $updatedByAttribute = 'edition_user';
protected $updatedAtAttribute = 'edition_date';
// rest of model methods and logic
Extends the previos class and adds protected properties $deletedByAttribute
and $deletedAtAttribute
to configure the names of the attributes. The class
will automatically load the needed behaviors and configure them to use the
attributes as provided by this properties., (*16)
class Product extends \tecnocen\rmdb\models\PersistentEntity
protected $createdByAttribute = 'creation_user';
protected $createdAtAttribute = 'creation_date';
protected $updatedByAttribute = 'edition_user';
protected $updatedAtAttribute = 'edition_date';
protected $deletedAtAttribute = 'deletion_user';
protected $deletedAtAttribute = 'deletion_date';
// rest of model methods and logic