GifFrameExtractor is a PHP class that separates all the frames (and their duration) of an animated GIF, (*1)
For what ?
The class helps you to separate all the frames of an animated GIF, for example to watermark them and then to
generate a new watermarked and animated GIF., (*2)
GifFrameExtractor is really easy to use:, (*3)
1 - Extraction:, (*4)
$gifFilePath = 'path/images/picture.gif';
if (GifFrameExtractor::isAnimatedGif($gifFilePath)) { // check this is an animated GIF
$gfe = new GifFrameExtractor();
// Do something with extracted frames ...
2 - Getting the frames and their duration:, (*5)
foreach ($gfe->getFrames() as $frame) {
// The frame resource image var
$img = $frame['image'];
// The frame duration
$duration = $frame['duration'];
You can also get separately an array of images and an array of durations:, (*6)
$frameImages = $gfe->getFrameImages();
$frameDurations = $gfe->getFrameDurations();
And obtain usefull informations:, (*7)
$totalDuration = $gfe->getTotalDuration(); // Total duration of the animated GIF
$frameNumber = $gfe->getFrameNumber(); // Number of extracted frames
var_dump($gfe->getFrameDimensions()); // An array containing the dimension of each extracted frame
var_dump($gfe->getFramePositions()); // An array containing the original positions of each extracted frame inside the GIF
Option:, (*8)
You can choose if you want to get the original frames (with transparency background) or frames pasted on the first one
with the second parameter of extract() method:, (*9)
$gfe->extract('path/images/picture.gif', true); // Can get transparency orignal frames
This option is false by default., (*10)
The class reuses some part of code of "PHP GIF Animation Resizer" by Taha PAKSU (thanks to him)., (*11)