Debug bar for Zend Framework 1
ZFDebug is a plugin for the Zend Framework for PHP5, providing useful debug information displayed in a small bar at the bottom of every page., (*1)
Time spent, memory usage and number of database queries are presented at a glance. Additionally, included files, a listing of available view variables and the complete SQL command of all queries are shown in separate panels:, (*2)
, (*3)
The available plugins at this point are:, (*4)
, $_POST
To install, place the folder 'ZFDebug' in your library path, next to the Zend folder. Then add the following method to your bootstrap class (in ZF1.8+):, (*5)
protected function _initZFDebug() { $autoloader = Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance(); $autoloader->registerNamespace('ZFDebug'); $options = array( 'plugins' => array('Variables', 'Database' => array('adapter' => $db), 'File' => array('basePath' => '/path/to/project'), 'Cache' => array('backend' => $cache->getBackend()), 'Exception') ); $debug = new ZFDebug_Controller_Plugin_Debug($options); $this->bootstrap('frontController'); $frontController = $this->getResource('frontController'); $frontController->registerPlugin($debug); }
You may now install ZFDebug using the dependency management tool Composer., (*6)
To use ZFDebug with Composer, add the following to the require list in your project's composer.json file:, (*7)
"require": { "jokkedk/zfdebug": "1.6.2" },
Run the install command to resolve and download the dependencies:, (*8)
php composer.phar install
Further documentation will follow as the github move progresses., (*9)