Cache that expires in the blink of an eye
, (*1)
This package contains a class called Blink
that can cache values. The cache only spans the length of a single request., (*2)
It can be used like this:, (*3)
$blink = new Blink();
$blink->put('key', 'value');
$blink->get('key'); // Returns 'value'
$blink->get('prefix*'); // Returns an array of values whose keys start with 'prefix'
// once will only execute the given callable if the given key didn't exist yet
$expensiveFunction = function() {
return rand();
$blink->once('random', $expensiveFunction); // returns random number
$blink->once('random', $expensiveFunction); // returns the same number
$blink->has('key'); // Returns true
$blink->has('prefix*'); // Returns true if the blink contains a key that starts with 'prefix'
// Specify a default value for when the specified key does not exist
$blink->get('non existing key', 'default') // Returns 'default'
$blink->put('anotherKey', 'anotherValue');
// Put multiple items in one go
$blink->put(['ringo' => 'drums', 'paul' => 'bass']);
$blink->all(); // Returns an array with all items
$blink->forget('key'); // Removes the item
$blink->forget('prefix*'); // Forget all items of which the key starts with 'prefix'
$blink->flush(); // Empty the entire blink
$blink->flushStartingWith('somekey'); // Remove all items whose keys start with "somekey"
$blink->increment('number'); // $blink->get('number') will return 1
$blink->increment('number'); // $blink->get('number') will return 2
$blink->increment('number', 3); // $blink->get('number') will return 5
// Blink implements ArrayAccess
$blink['key'] = 'value';
$blink['key']; // Returns 'value'
isset($blink['key']); // Returns true
unset($blink['key']); // Equivalent to removing the value
// Blink implements Countable
count($blink); // Returns 0
$blink->put('key', 'value');
count($blink); // Returns 1
If you want to use the same instance within the current request, you can use the static method global
., (*4)
Blink::global()->put('key', 'value');
Blink::global()->get('key') // Returns 'value'
Read the usage section of this readme to learn the other methods., (*5)
Support us
, (*6)
We invest a lot of resources into creating best in class open source packages. You can support us by buying one of our paid products., (*7)
We highly appreciate you sending us a postcard from your hometown, mentioning which of our package(s) you are using. You'll find our address on our contact page. We publish all received postcards on our virtual postcard wall., (*8)
You can install the package via composer:, (*9)
``` bash
composer require spatie/blink, (*10)
## Usage
A `Blink` instance can just be newed up.
$blink = new \Spatie\Blink\Blink()
You can call the following methods on it:, (*11)
* Put a value in the blink cache.
* @param string|array $name
* @param string|int|null $value
* @return $this
public function put($name, $value = null)
* Get a value from the blink cache.
* This function has support for the '*' wildcard.
* @param string $name
* @return null|string
public function get(string $name)
* Determine if the blink cache has a value for the given name.
* This function has support for the '*' wildcard.
public function has(string $name) : bool
* Only if the given key is not present in the blink cache the callable will be executed.
* The result of the callable will be stored in the given key and returned.
* @param $key
* @param callable $callable
* @return mixed
public function once($key, callable $callable)
* Use the "once" method only if the given condition is true.
* Otherwise, the callable will be executed.
* @param bool $shouldBlink
* @param $key
* @param callable
* @return mixed
public function onceIf($shouldBlink, $key, callable $callable)
* Get all values in the blink cache.
public function all() : array
* Get all values from the blink cache which keys start with the given string.
* @param string $startingWith
* @return array
public function allStartingWith(string $startingWith = '') : array
* Forget a value from the blink cache.
* This function has support for the '*' wildcard.
* @param string $key
* @return $this
public function forget(string $key)
* Flush all values from the blink cache.
* @return $this
public function flush()
* Flush all values from the blink cache which keys start with the specified value.
* @param string $startingWith
* @return $this
public function flushStartingWith(string $startingWith)
* Get and forget a value from the blink cache.
* This function has support for the '*' wildcard.
* @param string $name
* @return null|string
public function pull(string $name)
* Increment a value from the blink cache.
* @param string $name
* @param int $by
* @return int|null|string
public function increment(string $name, int $by = 1)
* Decrement a value from the blink cache.
* @param string $name
* @param int $by
* @return int|null|string
public function decrement(string $name, int $by = 1)
Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently., (*12)
$ composer test
, (*13)
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details., (*14)
If you've found a bug regarding security please mail instead of using the issue tracker., (*15)
We got the idea and the name for this package from Statamic's Blink helper. We reached out to them and got permission for using the blink
name., (*16)
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information., (*17)