2017 © Pedro Peláez

library pdo-db-wrapper

A database class for MySQL with PDO



A database class for MySQL with PDO

  • Monday, February 15, 2016
  • by Slowpoked
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PDO Database Class

A database class for PHP-MySQL which uses the PDO extension., (*1)

To use the class

1. Install with composer

php composer.phar require slowpoked/pdo-db-wrapper

2. Require the class in your project

use Slowpoked\Db;

3. Create the instance

// The instance
$db = new Db([
    'dbname' => 'dbname',
    'host' => '',
    'user' => 'user',
    'password' => 'password'


Below some examples of the basic functions of the database class. class functions., (*2)

The persons table

id firstname lastname sex age
1 John Doe M 19
2 Bob Black M 41
3 Zoe Chan F 20
4 Kona Khan M 14
5 Kader Khan M 56

Fetching everything from the table

// Fetch whole table
$persons = $db->query("SELECT * FROM persons");

Fetching with Bindings (ANTI-SQL-INJECTION):

Binding parameters is the best way to prevent SQL injection. The class prepares your SQL query and binds the parameters afterwards., (*3)

There are three different ways to bind parameters., (*4)

// 1. Read friendly method  
$person   =  $db->query("SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE firstname = :firstname AND id = :id");

// 2. Bind more parameters
$person   =  $db->query("SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE firstname = :firstname AND id = :id"));

// 3. Or just give the parameters to the method
$person   =  $db->query("SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE firstname = :firstname AND id = :id",array("firstname"=>"John","id"=>"1"));

More about SQL injection prevention : http://indieteq.com/index/readmore/how-to-prevent-sql-injection-in-php, (*5)

Fetching Row:

This method always returns only 1 row., (*6)

// Fetch a row
$ages     =  $db->row("SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE  id = :id", array("id"=>"1"));
id firstname lastname sex age
1 John Doe M 19

Fetching Single Value:

This method returns only one single value of a record., (*7)

// Fetch one single value
$firstname = $db->single("SELECT firstname FROM Persons WHERE id = :id");

|firstname , (*8)


Using the like keyword

// Using Like 
// Notice the wildcard at the end of the value!!
$like = $db->query("SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE Firstname LIKE :firstname ", array("firstname"=>"sekit%"));
id firstname lastname sex age
4 Sekito Khan M 19

Fetching Column:

// Fetch a column
$names    =  $db->column("SELECT Firstname FROM Persons");

Delete / Update / Insert

When executing the delete, update, or insert statement by using the query method the affected rows will be returned., (*9)


// Delete
$delete   =  $db->query("DELETE FROM Persons WHERE Id = :id", array("id"=>"1"));

// Update
$update   =  $db->query("UPDATE Persons SET firstname = :f WHERE Id = :id", array("f"=>"Jan","id"=>"32"));

// Insert
$insert   =  $db->query("INSERT INTO Persons(Firstname,Age) VALUES(:f,:age)", array("f"=>"Vivek","age"=>"20"));

// Do something with the data 
if($insert > 0 ) {
  return 'Succesfully created a new person !';

Method parameters

Every method which executes a query has the optional parameter called bindings., (*10)

The row and the query method have a third optional parameter which is the fetch style. The default fetch style is PDO::FETCH_ASSOC which returns an associative array., (*11)

Here an example :, (*12)

  // Fetch style as third parameter
  $person_num =     $db->row("SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE id = :id", array("id"=>"1"), PDO::FETCH_NUM);

  // Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => Johny [2] => Doe [3] => M [4] => 19 )

More info about the PDO fetchstyle : http://php.net/manual/en/pdostatement.fetch.php, (*13)

The Versions

15/02 2016


9999999-dev https://github.com/OSDDQD/pdo-db-wrapper

A database class for MySQL with PDO

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The Requires

  • php >=5.3.0


by Avatar Slowpoked

php pdo mysql free beer