SimpleSAMLphp related utility classes, (*1)
This project includes utilities that are used by ssp-base, (*2)
It provides business logic that determines which simplesamlphp Identity Providers can be used for authentication by a certain SP., (*3)
It also provides a utility that will gather together remote metadata from a folder and its sub-folders to be used by a saml20-*-remote.php file., (*4)
It includes unit tests that can be run from the /data folder via $ vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit tests. These should provide insight into what the utilities do in practice., (*5)
Editing IdP Business Logic
There are several ways to limit which IdP's can be used for authentication by a certain SP. (These are provided by Utils.php::isIdpValidForSp
which is called by the DiscoUtils.php::getIdpsForSp
method.), (*6)
If an IDP's entry in the saml20-idp-remote.php
file includes a 'SPList'
entry (as an array), then only the SP's which have an entity id listed in that array will be permissible., (*7)
If an IDP's entry in the saml20-idp-remote.php
file includes an 'excludeByDefault'
entry set to True
, then only the SP's which include the IdP's entity id in their 'IDPList'
entry will be permissible., (*8)
If an SP's entry in the saml20-sp-remote.php
file includes an 'IDPList'
entry (as an array), then only the IdP's which have an entity id listed in that array will be permissible., (*9)
The metadata.php file includes utilities that pull in metadata from all the files named idp-.php and sp-.php respectively, including those in sub-folders., (*10)