Internationalization library of the Ride framework
Internationalization library of the PHP Ride framework., (*1)
A Locale is the interface for a locale definition. This is a simple representation with a name, code and extra properties., (*2)
These locales are contained in a LocaleManager instance. This manager controls the current and default locale., (*3)
A LocaleIO feeds the LocaleManager with locales. The locales should be sorted in the order of importance for the system. The first locale is considered the default locale., (*4)
A Negotiator is used to detect the current locale. It's invoked when the current locale is not set., (*5)
You can use the ChainedNegotiator to implement multiple detection mechanisms in a chain., (*6)
A Translator is the interface to translate keys into a localized string. The interface supports a difference between singular and plural forms of a translation key., (*7)
The translators are managed by a TranslatorManager. Translator instances can be requested with the Locale instance., (*8)
The I18n class glues the different parts together into an easy facade., (*9)
Check this code sample to see the possibilities of this library:, (*10)
<?php use ride\library\i18n\locale\io\LocaleIO; use ride\library\i18n\locale\negotiator\DefaultNegotiator; use ride\library\i18n\locale\GenericLocaleManager; use ride\library\i18n\translator\io\AbstractTranslationIO; use ride\library\i18n\translator\GenericTranslatorManager; use ride\library\i18n\I18n; /** * Dummy implementation of a locale data source */ class FooLocaleIO implements LocaleIO { public function getLocales() { return array( new GenericLocale('en', 'English', array( 'full' => 'en_GB.utf8', 'translator.script.plural': '$n != 1', )), new GenericLocale('nl', 'Nederlands', array( 'full' => 'nl_BE.utf8', 'translator.script.plural': '$n != 1', )), ); } } /** * Dummy implementation of a translation data source */ class FooTranslationIO extends AbstractTranslationIO { protected function readTranslations($localeCode) { switch ($localeCode) { case 'en': return array( '' => 'Name', '' => 'E-mail address', 'label.hello' => 'Hello %name%!', 'label.item.0' => 'We got 1 item.', 'label.item.1' => 'We got %n% items.', ); default: return array(); } } } // first we need to initialize our I18n instance $localeIO = new FooLocaleIO(); $negotiator = new DefaultNegotiator(); $translationIO = new FooTranslationIO(); $localeManager = new GenericLocaleManager($localeIO, $negotiator); $translatorManager = new GenericTranslatorManager($translationIO); $i18n = new I18n($localeManager, $translatorManager); // play with the locales $en = $i18n->getLocale(); // default language is English since it's provided first by the locale IO $nl = $i18n->getLocale('nl'); $i18n->setCurrentLocale($nl); $i18n->setCurrentLocale('nl'); $nl = $i18n->getLocale(); $i18n->hasLocale('fr'); // false // fetch some lists of the available locales $locales = $i18n->getLocales(); $localeList = $i18n->getLocaleList(); // array('en' => 'English', 'nl' => 'Nederlands') $localeCodeList = $i18n->getLocaleCodeList(); // array('en' => 'en', 'nl' => 'nl') // play with translations $translator = $i18n->getTranslator($en); // translate some keys $value = $translator->translate(''); // Name $value = $translator->translate('label.hello', array('name' => 'world'); // Hello world! $value = $translator->translate('label.unexistant'); // [label.unexistant] $value = $translator->translatePlural(1, 'label.item'); // We got 1 item. $value = $translator->translatePlural(3, 'label.item'); // We got 3 items. // translation management $translations = $translator->getTranslations(); // array('' => 'Name', '' => 'E-mail address', ...) $translation = $translator->getTranslation('label.hello'); // Hello %name%! $translator->setTranslation('', 'bar');
For more examples, you can check the following implementations of this library: - ride/app-i18n - ride/web-i18n - ride/wra-i18n, (*11)
You can use Composer to install this library., (*12)
composer require ride/lib-i18n