Ride: Security CLI
This module adds various security commands to the Ride CLI., (*1)
This command shows an overview of the secured paths., (*2)
Syntax: path [<query>]
- <query>
: Query to search the paths, (*3)
Alias: sp
, (*4)
path secure
This command adds a path to the secured paths., (*5)
Syntax: path secure <path>
- <path>
: Path regular expression, (*6)
Alias: sps
, (*7)
path unsecure
This command removes a path from the secured paths., (*8)
Syntax: path unsecure <path>
- <path>
: Path regular expression, (*9)
Alias: spu
, (*10)
This command shows an overview of the roles.
You can add a search query to filter the roles., (*11)
Syntax: role [<query>]
- <query>
: Query to search the roles, (*12)
Alias: sr
, (*13)
role add
This command adds a new role to the security model., (*14)
Syntax: role add <name> [<weight>]
- <name>
: Name to identify the role
- <weight>
: Weight of the role, (*15)
Alias: sra
, (*16)
role allow
This command adds a path to the allowed paths of a role., (*17)
Syntax: role allow <role> <path>
- <role>
: Name or id of the role
- <path>
: Path regular expression, (*18)
Alias: sral
, (*19)
role delete
This command deletes a role from the security model., (*20)
Syntax: role delete <role>
- <role>
: Name or id to identify the role, (*21)
Alias: srd
, (*22)
role deny
This command removes a granted permission from a role., (*23)
Syntax: role deny <role> <permission>
- <role>
: Name or id of the role
- <permission>
: Code of the permission, (*24)
Alias: srdn
, (*25)
role detail
This command shows the details of a role., (*26)
Syntax: role detail <role>
- <role>
: Name or id of the role, (*27)
Alias: srde
, (*28)
role disallow
This command removes a path from the allowed paths of a role., (*29)
Syntax: role disallow <role> <path>
- <role>
: Name or id of the role
- <path>
: Path regular expression, (*30)
Alias: srdi
, (*31)
role edit
This command sets a property of a role., (*32)
Syntax: role edit <role> <key> [<value>]
- <role>
: Name or id of the role
- <key>
: Key of the property (name or weight)
- <value>
: Value for the property, (*33)
Alias: sre
, (*34)
role grant
This command grants a permission to a role., (*35)
Syntax: role grant <role> <permission>
- <role>
: Name or id of the role
- <permission>
: Code of the permission, (*36)
Alias: srg
, (*37)
This command shows an overview of the users.
You can set a search query to filter the users., (*38)
Syntax: user [<query>]
- <query>
: Query to search the users, (*39)
Alias: su
, (*40)
user add
This command adds a new user to the security model., (*41)
Syntax: user add <username> <password> [<email>]
- <username>
: Username to identify the user
- <password>
: Password to authenticate the user
- <email>
: Email address of the user, (*42)
Alias: sua
, (*43)
user assign
This command assigns a role to a user., (*44)
Syntax: user assign <user> <role>
- <user>
: Username or id to identify the user
- <role>
: Name or id to identify the role, (*45)
Alias: suas
, (*46)
user delete
This command deletes a user from the security model., (*47)
Syntax: user delete <user>
- <user>
: Username or id to identify the user, (*48)
Alias: sud
, (*49)
user detail
This command shows the details of a user., (*50)
Syntax: user detail <user>
- <user>
: Username or id to identify the user, (*51)
Alias: sude
, (*52)
user edit
This command sets a property of a user., (*53)
Syntax: user edit <user> <key> [<value>]
- <user>
: Username or id to identify the user
- <key>
: Key of the property (name, password, email, confirm, image, active or super)
- <value>
: Value for the property, (*54)
Alias: sue
, (*55)
user preference
This command sets a preference of a user, (*56)
Syntax: user preference <user> <key> [<value>]
- <user>
: Username or id to identify the user
- <key>
: Key of the preference
- <value>
: Value for the preference, omit to clear the preference, (*57)
Alias: sup
, (*58)
user unassign
This command removes a role from a user., (*59)
Syntax: user unassign <user> <role>
- <user>
: Username or id to identify the user
- <role>
: Name or id to identify the role, (*60)
Alias: suu
, (*61)
You can use Composer to install this application., (*62)
composer require ride/cli-security