A Maintenance for php background process wrapper #88704, (*1)
- require
- new function
- log output
- read output log
composer require renlight10/bproccess
``` php
use renlight10\BProccess\BProccess;
$proccess = new BProccess(command,locationfile=optional);
echo $proccess->getPid();, (*2)
if you already have pid
``` php
use renlight10\BProccess\BProccess;
$proccess = new BProccess;
possible method:
- getPid() - get process id
- setPid(int) - set process id
- status() - check process status
- start() - start process (process auto start when command in construct)
- stop() - stop process
- read("location file") - read output log, (*3)
Secure your user input for process argument with this., (*4)