2017 © Pedro Peláez

library easysys-connector

EasysysConnector PHP 5 library.



EasysysConnector PHP 5 library.

  • Saturday, September 20, 2014
  • by remdan
  • Repository
  • 1 Watchers
  • 0 Stars
  • 17 Installations
  • PHP
  • 1 Dependents
  • 0 Suggesters
  • 1 Forks
  • 0 Open issues
  • 2 Versions
  • 0 % Grown



EasysysConnector PHP 5 library., (*1)



Install composer if you haven't it., (*2)

``` bash $ curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php, (*3)

Create a composer.json file for your project if you haven't it and put the library in it. ```{.json} { "require": { "remdan/easysys-connector": "dev-master" } }

Now tell composer to download the library by running the following command:, (*4)

``` bash $ php composer.phar composer install, (*5)

or if you have already installed a composer you can update it: ``` bash $ php composer.phar update remdan/easysys-connector

Composer will now fetch and install this library in the vendor directory vendor/remdan, (*6)

Add the autoloader:, (*7)

```{.php} require 'vendor/autoload.php';, (*8)

### Download If you don't use Composer in your application, just donwload the library and require the provided SplClassLoader: ```{.php} require 'src/SplClassLoader.php';


Create a EasysysConnector and add a HttpAdapter and a AuthAdapter:, (*9)

```{.php} <?php, (*10)

$curlHttpAdapter = new EasysysConnector\HttpAdapter\Curl\CurlHttpAdapter(); $tokenAuthAdapter = new EasysysConnector\AuthAdapter\Token\TokenAuthAdapter();, (*11)

$easysysConnector = new EasysysConnector\EasysysConnector($curlHttpAdapter, $tokenAuthAdapter);, (*12)

Now you have to add the resource-managers that you need: ```{.php} <?php $resourceContactManager = new EasysysConnector\Manager\Resource\Contact\ResourceContactManager(); ... $easysysConnector->addResourceManager($resourceContactManager);


```{.php} <?php, (*13)

$curlHttpAdapter = new EasysysConnector\HttpAdapter\Curl\CurlHttpAdapter(); $tokenAuthAdapter = new EasysysConnector\AuthAdapter\Token\TokenAuthAdapter();, (*14)

$easysysConnector = new EasysysConnector\EasysysConnector($curlHttpAdapter, $tokenAuthAdapter);, (*15)

$resourceContactManager = new EasysysConnector\Manager\Resource\Contact\ResourceContactManager(); $easysysConnector->addResourceManager($resourceContactManager);, (*16)

$data = $easysysConnector->get(ResourceContactManager::getResource())->listData(new Contact(), array('limit' => 5));, (*17)

### Resource Currently, there are the following resource-interfaces available: * `ResourceContactInterface` to use [contact](https://docs.easysys.ch/ressources/contact/) * `ResourceInvoiceInterface` to use [kb_invoice](https://docs.easysys.ch/ressources/kb_invoice/) If you need your own just create it, but it have to implement this interface: ```{.php} <?php namespace EasysysConnector\Model\Resource; interface ResourceInterface { ... }


HttpAdapters are responsible to get data from remote APIs. https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/blob/master/proposed/http-message.md, (*18)

Currently, there are the following adapters available:, (*19)

  • CurlHttpAdapter to use cURL
  • GuzzleHttpAdapter to use Guzzle
  • BuzzHttpAdapter to use Buzz

If you need your own just create it, but it have to implement this interface:, (*20)

```{.php} <?php, (*21)

namespace EasysysConnector\HttpAdapter;, (*22)

use EasysysConnector\HttpAdapter\HttpRequest; use EasysysConnector\HttpAdapter\HttpResponse;, (*23)

interface HttpAdapterInterface { /** * @param HttpRequest $request * @return HttpResponse */ public function handleRequest(HttpRequest $request); }, (*24)

### AuthAdapter HttpAdapters are responsible to create the right request-object. Currently, there are the following adapters available: * `TokenAuthAdapter` to use [Public / Signature Key](https://docs.easysys.ch/key_version/) * `OAuthAuthAdapter` to use [OAuth](https://docs.easysys.ch/oauth/oauth/) If you need your own just create it, but it have to implement this interface: ```{.php} <?php namespace EasysysConnector\AuthAdapter; use EasysysConnector\HttpAdapter\HttpParameterBag; interface AuthAdapterInterface { /** * @param HttpParameterBag $httpParameterBag * @return array|string[] */ public function getDefaultHeaders(HttpParameterBag $httpParameterBag); /** * @param HttpParameterBag $httpParameterBag * @return string */ public function getRequestUrl(HttpParameterBag $httpParameterBag); }


OutputHandler are responsible to handle the content from the response., (*25)

Currently, there are the following adapters available: * ArrayOutputHandler to use Array; * JsonOutputHandler to use Json;, (*26)

If you need your own just create it, but it have to implement this interface:, (*27)

```{.php} <?php, (*28)

namespace EasysysConnector\OutputHandler;, (*29)

interface OutputHandlerInterface { /** * @param $data * @return mixed */ public function getContent($data); }, (*30)

### Manager Manager are responsible to handle the request and response for a resource. There are the following methods implemented: ```{.php} <?php $resourceManager->listData($resourceObject, array('limit' => 5)); $resourceManager->searchData($resourceObject, array('limit' => 5)); $resourceManager->showData($resourceObject); $resourceManager->createData($resourceObject); $resourceManager->editData($resourceObject); $resourceManager->updateData($resourceObject); $resourceManager->deleteData($resourceObject); $resourceManager->execute($parameterBag, $outputHandler)

Currently, there are the following managers available: * ResourceContactManager to use contact * ResourceInvoiceManager to use kb_invoice, (*31)

If you need your own just create it, but it have to implement this interface:, (*32)

```{.php} <?php, (*33)

namespace EasysysConnector\Manager\Resource;, (*34)

use EasysysConnector\AuthAdapter\AuthAdapterInterface; use EasysysConnector\HttpAdapter\HttpAdapterInterface; use EasysysConnector\Model\Resource\ResourceInterface;, (*35)

interface ResourceManagerInterface { ... } ```, (*36)

The Versions

20/09 2014


9999999-dev http://easysysconnector.com

EasysysConnector PHP 5 library.

  Sources   Download


The Requires

  • php >=5.3.0


by Avatar remdan

php easysys

30/08 2014

v1.0.0 http://easysysconnector.com

EasysysConnector PHP 5 library.

  Sources   Download


The Requires

  • php >=5.3.0


by Avatar remdan

php easysys