Relay Middleware
This package include the following Relay-compatible middleware:, (*1)
ExceptionHandler to handle exceptions from subsequent middleware
FormContentHandler to deserialize the URL-encoded payload of a PSR-7 request
JsonContentHandler to deserialize the JSON payload of a PSR-7 request
JsonDecoder to deserialize the JSON payload of a PSR-7 request (deprecated)
ResponseSender to send a PSR-7 response
SessionHeadersHandler to manage session headers "manually", instead of PHP managing them automatically
StatelessExceptionHandler to handle exceptions from subsequent middleware (suitable for multiple request/response cycles)
This package is installable and PSR-4 autoloadable via Composer as relay/middleware
., (*2)
Similarly, the ExceptionHandler does what it sound like: it catches any exceptions that bubble up through the subsequent middleware decorators., (*3)
The ExceptionHandler does nothing with the $request
or $response
, and passes them directly to $next
inside a try/catch
block. If no exception bubbles up, it returns the $response
from $next
. However, if it catches an exception, it returns an entirely new $response
object with the exception message and an HTTP 500 status code. It then returns the new $response
object., (*4)
The ExceptionHandler is intended to go near the top of the Relay queue, but after the ResponseSender, so that the ResponseSender can then send the returned $response
., (*5)
To add the ExceptionHandler to your queue, instantiate it directly with an empty $response implementation object ..., (*6)
$queue[] = new \Relay\Middleware\ExceptionHandler(new ResponseImplementation());
... or use a $resolver
of your choice to instantiate it from the $queue
., (*7)
FormContentHandler works almost identically to _JsonContentHandler_ (below), but parses payloads of requests that have application/x-www-form-urlencoded
as the Content-Type
., (*8)
Again, the JsonContentHandler does what it sounds like: it deserializes the JSON
payload of a PSR-7 request object and makes the parameters available in
subsequent middleware decorators., (*9)
The JsonContentHandler checks the incoming request for a method other than GET
and for an application/json
or application/vnd.api+json
If it finds both of these, it parses the JSON and makes it available as the
parsed body of the $request
before passing it and the $response
to $next
If the method is GET
or the Content-Type
header defines a different mime type,
the JsonContentHandler ignores the $request
and continues the chain., (*10)
To add the JsonContentHandler to your queue, instantiate it directly..., (*11)
$queue[] = new \Relay\Middleware\JsonContentHandler();
... or use a $resolver
of your choice to instantiate it from the $queue
., (*12)
To access the decoded parameters in subsequent middleware, use the
method of the $request
, (*13)
$decodedJsonData = $request->getParsedBody();
NOTE: This handler has been deprecated in favor of JsonContentHandler!, (*14)
Again, the JsonDecoder does what it sounds like: it deserializes the JSON
payload of a PSR-7 request object and makes the parameters available in
subsequent middleware decorators., (*15)
The JsonDecoder checks the incoming request for a method other than GET
for an application/json
header. If it finds both of these, it
decodes the JSON and makes it available as the parsed body of the $request
before passing it and the $response
to $next
. If the method is GET
or the
header does not specify application/json
, the JsonDecoder
does nothing with the $request
and passes it and the $response
to $next
., (*16)
To add the JsonDecoder to your queue, instantiate it directly..., (*17)
$queue[] = new \Relay\Middleware\JsonDecoder();
... or use a $resolver
of your choice to instantiate it from the $queue
., (*18)
To access the decoded parameters in subsequent middleware, use the
method of the $request
, (*19)
$decodedJsonData = $request->getParsedBody();
The ResponseSender does just what it sounds like: it sends the PSR-7 response object., (*20)
The ResponseSender does nothing with the $request
or $response
, passing them immediately to $next
. Afterwards, it takes the returned $response
and sends it using header()
and echo
, and returns the sent $response
., (*21)
The ResponseSender is intended to go at the top of the Relay queue, so that it is the middleware with the last opportunity to do something with the returned response., (*22)
To add the ResponseSender to your Relay queue, instantiate it directly ..., (*23)
$queue[] = new \Relay\Middleware\ResponseSender();
... or use a $resolver
of your choice to instantiate it from the $queue
., (*24)
Normally, PHP will send out headers for you automatically when you call session_start()
. However, this means the headers are not being sent as part of the PSR-7 response object, and are thus outside your control. This handler puts them back under your control by placing the relevant headers in the PSR-7 response; its behavior is almost identical to the native PHP automatic session headers behavior., (*25)
NOTE: For this middleware to work, you must disable the PHP session header management ini settings. For example:, (*26)
ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', false);
ini_set('session.use_cookies', false);
ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', true);
ini_set('session.cache_limiter', '');
If you do not, the handler will throw a RuntimeException., (*27)
To add the SessionHeadersHandler to your queue, instantiate it directly..., (*28)
$queue[] = new \Relay\Middleware\SessionHeadersHandler();
... or use a $resolver
of your choice to instantiate it from the $queue
., (*29)
When instantiating, you can pass a cache limiter value as the first constructor parameter. The allowed values are 'nocache', 'public', 'private_no_cache', or 'private'. If you want no cache limiter header at all, pass an empty string ''. The default is 'nocache'., (*30)
You can also pass a cache expire value, in minutes, as the second constructor parameter. The default is 180 minutes., (*31)
The StatelessExceptionHandler behaves the same as the ExceptionHandler. The difference is that it is suitable for use in environments where it may be used multiple times., (*32)
To add the StatelessExceptionHandler to your queue, instantiate it directly with a factory that can be used to create $response objects ..., (*33)
$responseFactory = function () {
return new ResponseImplementation();
$queue[] = new \Relay\Middleware\StatelessExceptionHandler($responseFactory);