PHP Pwinty
A PHP implementation of the Pwinty HTTP API v2.1, (*1)
Based on an implementation of API v1 by Brad Pineau, (*2)
With Composer
Add the following to the require section of your composer.json file:, (*3)
"pwinty/php-pwinty": "dev-master"
Without Composer
Add this line to your application:, (*4)
Declare a new instance of php-pwinty, (*5)
use pwinty\PhpPwinty;
$config = array(
'api' => 'sandbox',
'merchantId' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
'apiKey' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
$pwinty = new PhpPwinty($config);
Example Usage
Catalogue, (*6)
$catalogue = $pwinty->getCatalogue(
"GB", //country code
"Pro" //quality
Countries, (*7)
$countries = $pwinty->getCountries();
Orders, (*8)
//gets all orders
$order = $pwinty->getOrder();
//gets one order
$order = $pwinty->getOrderStatus("1234");
//creates a new order
$order = $pwinty->createOrder(
"Chuck Norris", //name
"", //email address
"123 Some Road", //address1
"Some place", //address 2
"Some town", //town
"Some state", //state
"12345", //postcode or zip
"GB", //country code
"GB", //destination code
true, //tracked shipping
"InvoiceMe", //payment method
"Pro" //quality
//updates an order
$order = $pwinty->updateOrder(
"1234", //order id
"Chuck Norris", //name
"123 Some Road", //address1
"Some place", //address 2
"Some town", //town
"Some state", //state
"12345", //postcode or zip
//change order status
"1234, //orderid
"Cancelled" //status
//get order status
$order = $pwinty->getOrderStatus(
"1234" //order id
Photos, (*9)
//gets information about photos for an order
$photos = $pwinty->getPhotos(
"1234" //order id
//gets information about a single photo
$photo = $pwinty->getPhotos(
"1234", //order id
"123456" //photo id
//adds a photo
"1234", //order id
"4x6", //print size
"", //image url
"1", //print quantity
"ShrinkToFit", //resize method
"2000", //price to user
"811cc87f4f77d6c33d638f9def39473b", //md5 hash
"ewhweo42ufh2woed45f2sdf4yt5sdufw" //file
//delete a photo
"1234", //order id
"123456" //photo id