9999999-devA code standard to check against the Symfony coding standards.
by instaclick
A code standard to check against the Symfony coding standards.
A code standard to check against the Symfony coding standards and object calisthenics (adapted for PHP)., (*1)
Install phpcs and this coding standard via composer.json:, (*2)
"require": { "instaclick/php-code-sniffer": "dev-master", "instaclick/symfony2-coding-standard": "dev-master" }
If you do contribute code to these sniffs, please make sure it conforms to the PEAR coding standard and that the Symfony2-coding-standard unit tests still pass., (*3)
To check the coding standard, run from the Symfony2-coding-standard source root:, (*4)
$ phpcs --ignore=*/tests/* --standard=PEAR . -n
The unit-tests are run from within the PHP_CodeSniffer directory:, (*5)
$ phpunit --filter Symfony2_* tests/AllTests.php
A code standard to check against the Symfony coding standards.