pH7Client - Make your Tasks on Autopilot by Automating them!
pH7Client is a wonderful tool if you need to automate tasks (like posting articles every day to your blog, add message in a member area, etc) and save lot of times everyday! :smiley: Yes! The pH7Client bot can do almost everything (you just need to create some rules and need to know the input name of the website's forms).
In fact, it's a PHP Web client class that simulates a Web browser for retrieving webpage content, login to websites and posting forms, ..., (*1)
Finally, you have created rules that you want to automate by pH7Client, you need to setup a cron for executing the script every X time on a server (Type crontab -e
on your server Linux terminal, then add the desired cron jobs and save it). Once finished, go to the beach, order a mojito and enjoy your REAL free time that you really deserved!, (*2)
Composer Installation
You can add it easily in your project by using Composer., (*3)
composer require ph-7/ph7client
Then, include Composer's autoload
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
Manual Installation (the old-fashioned way)
If you don't use Composer, you can install it without Composer by simply including the class, (*4)
require 'PH7Client.php';
use PH7\External\Http\Client\PH7Client;
$sUrl = '';
$sRequest1 = 'user/login/';
$sRequest2 = 'user/message_box/myuser920';
$sUser = '';
$sPass = 'testpass123';
$sBody = "Hey! What's up today? Psst! I'm a bot but I may understand you...";
$oWebClient = new PH7Client($sUrl);
/***** Log a user *****/
$aLogin = [
'identity' => $sUser,
'password' => $sPass,
'remember' => 'on',
'submit' => 'Login'
// Login the user
$oWebClient->post($sRequest1, $aLogin);
// Submit the form
/***** Send a message *****/
$aMsg = ['message' => $sBody];
// Send the message
$oWebClient->post($sRequest2, ['message' => $sBody])->setHeader(false)->send();
echo $oWebClient->getResponse(); // Will show the successful message telling you that your msg has been send
- PHP 5.4.0 or higher
- cURL PHP library
I'm Pierre-Henry Soria, young PHP software developer living currently in the Wonderful Manchester city, in the UK., (*5)
You can send an email at pierrehenrysoria [AT] gmail {D0T} COM or at phy {AT} hizup [D0T] UK, (*6)
Need a Social/Dating Networking Builder?
Have a look to my Social Dating Web Builder, (*7)
I'm building this software in order to allow people to build Amazing Social/Dating Businesses really easily with almost no money!, (*8)
This project is under GPLv3 license! Enjoy!!, (*9)
Psst!! By the way, Feel free to contribute to it! If you can, That would be really amazing!, (*10)