, (*1)
Ionizer provides strict typing and input validation for dynamic inputs (i.e. HTTP request parameters).
Requires PHP 7 or higher., (*2)
What is Ionizer?
Ionizer is a structured input filtering system ideal for HTTP form data., (*3)
Why is Ionizer important?
Aside from the benefits of being able to strictly type your applications that accept user input,
Ionizer makes it easy to mitigate some NoSQL injection techniques., (*4)
Get Composer, then run the following:, (*5)
composer require paragonie/ionizer
use ParagonIE\Ionizer\GeneralFilterContainer;
use ParagonIE\Ionizer\Filter\{
// Define properties to filter:
$ic = new GeneralFilterContainer();
(new StringFilter())->setPattern('^[A-Za-z0-9_\-]{3,24}$')
->addFilter('passphrase', new StringFilter())
new AllowList('US-1', 'US-2', 'EU-1', 'EU-2')
// Invoke the filter container on the array to get the filtered result:
try {
// $post passed all of our filters.
$post = $ic($_POST);
} catch (\TypeError $ex) {
// Invalid data provided.
Ionizer can even specify structured input with some caveats., (*6)
use ParagonIE\Ionizer\GeneralFilterContainer;
use ParagonIE\Ionizer\Filter\{
$ic = new GeneralFilterContainer();
// You can type entire arrays at once:
$ic->addFilter('numbers', new IntArrayFilter())
->addFilter('strings', new StringArrayFilter())
// You can also specify subkeys, separated by a period:
->addFilter('', new StringFilter())
->addFilter('user.unixtime', new IntFilter());
$input = [
'numbers' => [1, 2, 3],
'strings' => ['a', 'b'],
'user' => [
'name' => 'test',
'unixtime' => time()
try {
$valid = $ic($input);
} catch (\TypeError $ex) {
Support Contracts
If your company uses this library in their products or services, you may be
interested in purchasing a support contract from Paragon Initiative Enterprises., (*7)