Bulk Inserter
Note: This helper library is currently specific to the Laravel framework running with a
MySQL database., (*1)
If you are stress-testing your new application to see how it will behave with a realistic
future amount of data then you are probably writing a seeder which inserts thousands of rows., (*2)
Using many individual queries in PHP to insert rows one-by-one may be slow and
hampering development or even breaching prepared statement limits., (*3)
This package utilises MySQLs native dump import so you can prepare the data inside your loop
and then plonk the whole lot in the database with 1 speedy operation which is way quicker
than doing lots of individual inserts!, (*4)
$ composer require --dev -- nomensa/bulk-inserter
Note: Please install as a dev requirement only., (*5)
The following example will insert a thousand users in a couple of seconds:, (*6)
use Nomensa\BulkInserter\BulkInserter;
class ExampleSeeder
public function run()
$bulkInserter = new BulkInserter('users',['name','email']);
for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) {
$bulkInserter->addRow( '("User ' . $i . '","user' . $i . '@example.com")' );
If the above task was written using the Eloquent model's '::create()' method it could take
~20 seconds., (*7)
Multiply this delay across all your model's tables, factor in how many times you will tweak
and re-run your seeder during test writing and the time savings add. Using this package makes
for a much happier developer experience., (*8)
Friendly reminder about exposing vulnerabilities!
This package executes raw MySQL code in your database. DO NOT use this package in a production
environment and certainly NEVER populate the content of the rows via inputs from a request., (*9)
This package is for use during development and testing, not everyday application logic., (*10)