9999999-devPHP wrapper for the Acumulus API
The Requires
- php >=5.6.0
- guzzlehttp/guzzle ^6.3.0
The Development Requires
by Michiel Thalen
PHP wrapper for the Acumulus API
Official Acumulus documentation:, (*1)
Forked of siegerhansma/acumulus-php, (*2)
This package uses Guzzle to make the cUrl requests to Acumulus. Because of its dependency to Guzzle, this package requires PHP >= 5.6 to function., (*3)
Add the package to your composer.json file, (*4)
"require": { "thalent/acumulus": "~2.0" },
All of the provider classes take a config array as parameter., (*5)
$config['contractcode'] = 123456; $config['username'] = "xxxxxxxxx"; $config['password'] = "xxxxxxxxx";
You could put these variables in a specific config file., (*6)
The calls in the API can be called via specific classes corresponding to the categories on the official API docs. To start, create a new instance of the provider class you need., (*7)
$client = new \Thalent\AcumulusPhp\Providers\ContactsProvider($config);
After that, all the calls in that class will be available via the $client variable., (*8)
When the method is called, you can chain the sendRequest method to that. This method actually sends the request to the Acumulus API. The same principle stands for the other provider classes., (*9)
The sendRequest method returns the response given by Acumulus. The response is being cast to an array for multiple records or an instance of the model for a single record., (*10)
In the example below is the response of the getAvailableContacts method on the ContactsProvider., (*11)
array(3) { [0] => class Thalent\AcumulusPhp\Models\Contact#68 (27) { protected $contactid => string(7) "1234567" protected $contactname1 => string(13) "Contactname 1" protected $contactname2 => NULL protected $contacttypeid => string(1) "3" protected $contacttypename => string(7) "Relatie" protected $contactperson => NULL protected $contactsalutation => NULL protected $contactaddress1 => string(9) "Address 1" protected $contactaddress2 => NULL protected $contactpostalcode => NULL protected $contactcity => string(10) "Leeuwarden" protected $contactcountryid => NULL protected $contactcountrycode => NULL protected $contactcountryname => NULL protected $contacttelephone => NULL protected $contactfax => NULL protected $contactemail => NULL protected $contactwebsite => NULL protected $contactbankaccountnumber => NULL protected $contactiban => NULL protected $contactbic => NULL protected $contactmark => NULL protected $contactvatnumber => NULL protected $contactvatstandard => NULL protected $contacttemplateid => NULL protected $contactnotes => NULL protected $contactstatus => NULL } [1] => class Thalent\AcumulusPhp\Models\Contact#91 (27) { protected $contactid => string(7) "3216549" protected $contactname1 => string(13) "Contactname 2" protected $contactname2 => NULL protected $contacttypeid => string(1) "3" protected $contacttypename => string(7) "Relatie" protected $contactperson => NULL protected $contactsalutation => NULL protected $contactaddress1 => string(9) "Address 2" protected $contactaddress2 => NULL protected $contactpostalcode => NULL protected $contactcity => string(8) "Drachten" protected $contactcountryid => NULL protected $contactcountrycode => NULL protected $contactcountryname => NULL protected $contacttelephone => NULL protected $contactfax => NULL protected $contactemail => NULL protected $contactwebsite => NULL protected $contactbankaccountnumber => NULL protected $contactiban => NULL protected $contactbic => NULL protected $contactmark => NULL protected $contactvatnumber => NULL protected $contactvatstandard => NULL protected $contacttemplateid => NULL protected $contactnotes => NULL protected $contactstatus => NULL } [2] => class Thalent\AcumulusPhp\Models\Contact#69 (27) { protected $contactid => string(5) "00001" protected $contactname1 => string(13) "Contactname 3" protected $contactname2 => NULL protected $contacttypeid => string(1) "3" protected $contacttypename => string(7) "Relatie" protected $contactperson => NULL protected $contactsalutation => NULL protected $contactaddress1 => string(9) "Address 3" protected $contactaddress2 => NULL protected $contactpostalcode => NULL protected $contactcity => NULL protected $contactcountryid => NULL protected $contactcountrycode => string(2) "NL" protected $contactcountryname => NULL protected $contacttelephone => NULL protected $contactfax => NULL protected $contactemail => NULL protected $contactwebsite => NULL protected $contactbankaccountnumber => NULL protected $contactiban => NULL protected $contactbic => NULL protected $contactmark => NULL protected $contactvatnumber => NULL protected $contactvatstandard => NULL protected $contacttemplateid => NULL protected $contactnotes => NULL protected $contactstatus => NULL } }
For the responses you get from Acumulus, there are several models being used. There models are integral copies of the responses and have their own getters and setters. For a list of all the models and the methods that you can use on them, check out the API documentation here, (*12)
By far the most difficult task this package does is adding an invoice to Acumulus. I've tried to create this as easy as possible, but the call being made is pretty complex. One thing to note is that Acumulus looks at the customer emailadress as being the unique identifier of a customer. So if a customer doesn't have an email yet, this package will automatically create a unique emailaddress for that customer to prevent creating multiple customers. However, before you make this call it's recommended that you make sure that the customer has an email. To (hopefully) make this a little bit easier for you, I made an InvoiceBuilder class. Here's an example of how to use this., (*13)
// Instantiate a new InvoiceBuilder object $invoiceBuilder = new InvoiceBuilder; // Create a new contact by instantiating a new Contact model or get it from the API $builder = new \Thalent\AcumulusPhp\ContactsProvider($config); $contact = $builder->getContactDetails(123456)->sendRequest(); // Set the customer by passing in the Contact model $invoiceBuilder->setCustomer($contact); // Instantiate a new Invoice model and set Invoice specific settings $invoice = new Invoice; $invoice ->setTemplate('Standaard'); // Pass in the Invoice model $invoiceBuilder->setInvoiceData($invoice); // Create a new InvoiceLine object and set the fields // Use this in a loop for multiple lines $invoiceLine = new InvoiceLine; $invoiceLine ->setItemnumber(102) ->setProduct("Awesome product") ->setUnitprice(19.95) ->setQuantity(3); $invoiceBuilder->addLine($invoiceLine); // Pass the InvoiceBuilder into the addInvoice method on the InvoicesProvider and call the build method on it $invoiceSender = new \Thalent\AcumulusPhp\InvoicesProvider($config); $response = $invoiceSender->addInvoice($invoiceBuilder->build())->sendRequest();
In the response from Acumulus you will get an array with the following fields: * invoicenumber * token * entryid, (*14)
A lot still to do, here's what: * Write more tests * Make documentation * Support Picklists, (*15)
If you have any questions, feedback or if you encounter a bug, please leave an issue or a pull request., (*16)
PHP wrapper for the Acumulus API