Route Controller for Laravel 5.3++
If you are used to using laravel 4 or laravel 5.2 you may be familiar with Route :: controller, but unfortunately in laravel 5.3 ++ Route Controller will be deleted., (*2)
But do not worry, by using this package you can reuse the artificial route controller and maintained by me (Muhamad Reza AR), (*3)
Add Packages in composer, (*4)
``` sh composer require muhamadrezaar/route-controller, (*5)
Add service provider and facade ``` sh Julles\RouteControllerProvider::class,
``` sh 'RouteController'=>Julles\RouteControllerFacade::class,, (*6)
## How to Use ? in route file (routes/web.php) ``` sh \RouteController::build('tes','TesController');
Samples Methods in Source Controller, (*7)
``` sh, (*8)
public function getIndex() // url generated : or { dd('hello world'); }, (*9)
public function getTriRiska() // url generated { dd('My Friend'); }, (*10)
public function postCreate() // url generated {, (*11)
}, (*12)
```, (*13)
MIT, (*14), (*15)
ENJOY!!, (*16)