for more information and for feature requests., (*1)
Very simple method of building menus from database data (id, parent id), service provider register methods for application modules and much more., (*2)
use LukeSnowden\Menu\Menu;
include __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
Example 1
Menu::addItem( array( 'text' => 'Home', 'URL' => '/', 'reference' => '0' ) );
echo Menu::render();
Example 2 - Nesting Children
Menu::addItem( array( 'text' => 'Services', 'URL' => '/services/', 'reference' => '1', 'parent' => '0' ) );
echo Menu::render();
Menu::addItem( array( 'text' => 'Services', 'URL' => '/services/', 'reference' => '1', 'parent' => '0' ) )->toMenu( 'main' );
echo Menu::render( 'main' );
Auto classes
I have added in some of the most used and required classes for styling menus, (*3)
.first-item {}
.last-item {}
.current-root {}
.current-parent {}
.current-ancestor {}
.has-children {}
Menu::addItem( array( 'text' => 'Home', 'URL' => '/menu-test-2/public/', 'reference' => '1', 'class' => 'home-icon', 'weight' => 0 ) )->toMenu( 'main' );
Menu::addItem( array( 'text' => 'Services', 'URL' => '/menu-test-2/public/services/', 'reference' => '2' ) )->toMenu( 'main' );
Menu::addItem( array( 'text' => 'Development', 'URL' => '/menu-test-2/public/services/development/', 'reference' => '3', 'parent' => '2' ) )->toMenu( 'main' );
Menu::addItem( array( 'text' => 'Design', 'URL' => '/menu-test-2/public/services/design/', 'reference' => '4', 'parent' => '2', 'weight' => 0 ) )->toMenu( 'main' );
echo Menu::render( 'main' );
<ul class="nav-main">
<li class="home-icon current first-item container node-1">
<a href="/menu-test-2/public/">Home</a>
<li class=" has-children last-item container node-1">
<a href="/menu-test-2/public/services/">Services</a>
<li class=" first-item nav-node node-2">
<a href="/menu-test-2/public/services/design/">Design</a>
<li class=" last-item nav-node node-2">
<a href="/menu-test-2/public/services/development/">Development</a>
Custom attributes
$name = false, $attributes = array(), $htmlTag = 'ul', (*4)
echo Menu::render( 'main', array( 'class' => 'nav nav-pills nav-stacked', 'role' => 'tablist' ), 'nav' );
Custom Layout Render
You may want to change the output layout (demo render class included), (*5)
Menu::addItem( array( 'text' => 'Home', 'URL' => '/menu-test-2/public/', 'reference' => '1', 'class' => 'home-icon', 'weight' => 0 ) )->toMenu( 'main' );
Menu::addItem( array( 'text' => 'Services', 'URL' => '/menu-test-2/public/services/', 'reference' => '2' ) )->toMenu( 'main' );
Menu::addItem( array( 'text' => 'Development', 'URL' => '/menu-test-2/public/services/development/', 'reference' => '3', 'parent' => '2' ) )->toMenu( 'main' );
Menu::addItem( array( 'text' => 'Design', 'URL' => '/menu-test-2/public/services/design/', 'reference' => '4', 'parent' => '2', 'weight' => 0 ) )->toMenu( 'main' );
Menu::setMenuType( 'horizontal', 'main', 'LukeSnowden\Menu\Styles' );
echo Menu::render( 'main' );
(Please note this is just a general summary of how it would work if you had 2 tables (and models) for navigations and navigation items with a standard hasMany() relationship), (*6)
$navigation = Navigation::with( 'navigationItems' )->where( 'navigation_slug', '=', 'main' )->get();
foreach( $navigation->navigationItems as $item )
Menu::addItem( array( 'text' => , $item->name 'URL' => $item->url, 'reference' => $item->id, 'parent' => $item->parent_id, 'weight' => $item->order ) )->toMenu( $navigation->navigation_slug );
echo Menu::render( $navigation->navigation_slug );
Laravel Install
Add the following to you applications composer.json file, (*7)
composer require lukesnowden/menu:dev-master
add the following to your /app/config/app.php's provider array., (*8)
add the following to your /app/config/app.php's aliases array., (*9)
'Menu' => 'LukeSnowden\Menu\Facades\Menu'
and finally back to your terminal and run, (*10)
php composer.phar dump-autoload