9999999-dev is a single PHP class to easily keep log files in CSV format.
logger log csv php logging
MyLogPHP is a single PHP class to easily keep log files in CSV format.
MyLogPHP is a single PHP class to easily keep log files in CSV format., (*1)
MyLogPHP.class.php (1.2.19)
, (*2)
Edit your project's composer.json and add the required package: "llagerlof/mylogphp": "dev-master", (*3)
Eg:, (*4)
{ "name": "your/project", "require": { "llagerlof/mylogphp": "dev-master" } }
Any CSV reader can be used to open the generated logs, but If you need a recomendation, try the CSVFileView or LogExpert. Both can parse/show the CSV columns and watch realtime changes in log file (like tail on Linux)., (*5)
Create an issue in, (*6)
Include in your script the file "MyLogPHP.class.php" (not needed if you are using the composer version)., (*7)
Instantiate the object. Optionally you can pass the log file name and the separator as a parameter. Default log file name is "_
MyLogPHP-1.2.log.csv" in current folder, and default separator is comma (,)., (*8)
$log = new MyLogPHP\MyLogPHP('./log/debug.log.csv');
Make sure the directory where the log will be created is writable., (*9)
Call method "info", "warning", "error" or "debug" to write the messages.
The first parameter is the message, the optional second parameter is a free tag at your choice to help you filter the log when opened by an spreadsheet software, like OpenOffice Calc
or Microsoft Excel
., (*10)
$log->info('This message will be logged in the file debug.log.csv','TIP');
That's it!, (*11)
$log = new MyLogPHP\MyLogPHP(); $log->info('The program starts here.'); $log->warning('This problem can affect the program logic'); $log->warning('Use this software at your own risk!'); $log->info('Lawrence Lagerlof','AUTHOR'); $log->info('Asimov rulez','FACT'); $log->error('Everything crash and burn','IE'); $log->debug("select * from table",'DB');
Writing a variable content to file "_OUT_MyLogPHP.txt", (*12)
\MyLogPHP\MyLogPHP::out($data); \MyLogPHP\MyLogPHP::out($data, array('LABEL' => 'variable $data'); \MyLogPHP\MyLogPHP::out($data, 'variable $data'); // same as above \MyLogPHP\MyLogPHP::out($data, array('LABEL' => 'variable $data', 'WRITE_MODE' => MyLogPHP::OVERWRITE)); \MyLogPHP\MyLogPHP::out($data, array('LABEL' => 'variable $data', 'WRITE_MODE' => MyLogPHP::APPEND)); // WRITE_MODE can be OVERWRITE or APPEND (APPEND is default)
1.2.19 * Read the configuration file only once per instance., (*13)
1.2.18 * Namespace added., (*14)
1.2.17 * Fixed a debug_backtrace problem when used in Laravel application., (*15)
1.2.16 * Put an optional config file (MyLogPHP.conf in the same directory of the class) with one line containing "enabled=false" to disable logging., (*16)
1.2.15 * Changed output format of out() method., (*17)
1.2.14 * Added method name to output of the out() method., (*18)
1.2.13 * Added the file and execution line info to output of the out() method., (*19)
1.2.12 * You can define a $_SESSION variable to set where the file will be created by the out() method., (*20)
1.2.11 * out() method is now static., (*21)
1.2.10 * Can pass a string to act as LABEL to the second parameter of out() method., (*22)
1.2.9 * Removed supressed warnings from variable $headers and date() functions., (*23)
1.2.8 * Add more options and verbosity to out() method., (*24)
1.2.7 * New method out() allow append a variable value to the end of the file _OUT_MyLogPHP.txt, (*25)
1.2.6 * Class updated for PHP 7 (thanks @clintre)., (*26)
1.2.5 * Solved a bug that was preventing the replacement of consecutives spaces and tabs for one space., (*27)
1.2.4 * All consecutives spaces and tabs are removed from output., (*28)
1.2.3 * PHPDOC comment style applied to the class. * An issue with the newer version of PHP and the date() function was solved., (*29)
1.2.2 * Line breaks of VALUE field are converted to spaces to prevent some CSV readers wrongly interpret line breaks as new CSV lines. * The VALUE field now is trimmed before output., (*30)
1.2.1 * Disable a warning message if an internal variable is not set., (*31)
1.2 * Two columns added in CSV output: LINE and FILE., (*32)
1.1 * Added support to choose the field separator. Comma is still the default., (*33)
MyLogPHP is a single PHP class to easily keep log files in CSV format.
logger log csv php logging