Knowledge Base component
PHP Component to build a knowledge base from your Markup files easily., (*1)
, (*2)
Make sure you have composer installed in your computer., (*3)
Install the component launching the following composer command, (*4)
$ composer require lin3s/knowledge-base
Install a theme for your knowledge base. We use the following at LIN3S:, (*5)
$ composer require lin3s/knowledge-base-GFMTemplate
Add the docs in markdown format to a folder that you will later add to the config., (*6)
Integrating it in your codebase
A front controller should look like this:, (*7)
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
use LIN3S\KnowledgeBase\Configuration;
use LIN3S\KnowledgeBase\Controller\PageController;
use LIN3S\KnowledgeBaseGFMTemplate\Template;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
$buildPath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/build'; // Folder where all the cached files will be stored
$docsPath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/docs'; // Folder where all the docs are located
$configuration = new Configuration($docsPath, $buildPath, new Template());
$controller = new PageController($configuration);
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
if (preg_match('/\.(?:png|jpg|jpeg|gif|css|js)$/', $request->server->get('REQUEST_URI'))) {
$response = $controller->assetAction($request);
} else {
$response = $controller->documentAction($request);
You can edit as you want to match your needs, (*8)
Generating the docs
LIN3S Knowledge Base, caches all the markdown files already generated in html to improve performance., (*9)
Just create a docs.php
file that includes the following to generate menu and html from your markdown files:, (*10)
#!/usr/bin/env php
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
use LIN3S\KnowledgeBase\Configuration;
use LIN3S\KnowledgeBaseGFMTemplate\Template;
use LIN3S\KnowledgeBase\Registry\GeneratorRegistry;
use LIN3S\KnowledgeBase\Generator\HTMLGenerator;
use LIN3S\KnowledgeBase\Generator\MenuGenerator;
use LIN3S\KnowledgeBase\Builder\DocumentationBuilder;
use LIN3S\KnowledgeBase\Iterator\DocumentIterator;
$docsPath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/../docs';
$buildPath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/../build';
$configuration = new Configuration($docsPath, $buildPath, new Template());
$generatorRegistry = new GeneratorRegistry();
->add('html', new HTMLGenerator($this->configuration))
->add('route', new MenuGenerator($this->configuration));
$builder = new DocumentationBuilder(
new DocumentIterator($this->configuration),
Now just launch the following commands:, (*11)
$ php docs.php
You need to create a symbolic link to match the assets url with the template you are using., (*12)
To create your own theme just create a class that implements LIN3S\KnowledgeBase\Templating\TemplateInterface
pass it as third parameter to the Configuration class used by the command and the controller., (*13)
Template rendering works together with the Loader
classes. This class is responsible of fetching all required data
to generate a page. The DefaultLoader
generates an array with the menu tree, the document converted to html and the
configuration class., (*14)
Document building
Entry point for document building is located in DocumentationBuilder
class that receives a DocumentIterator
and an
instance of GeneratorRegistry
. The first one contains the reference to all documents that need to be parsed, the
second one contains all the generators required in the building process., (*15)
If you want to add a custom Generator implement GeneratorInterface
and add it to the GeneratorRegistry
passing it to the DocumentationBuilder
., (*16)
"Generation docs" section above, describes the whole process with code., (*17)
Licensing Options
, (*18)