A PHP Right Ascension and Declination to Altitude and Azimuth for the users current Earth Position and time
This repository is a fork of Tom Gillespy's RA/Dec to Alt/Az repository, with the sole purpose of making the class
installable. Some code refactoring was done, most importantly the class has been put into its own namespace., (*1)
This class converts celestial coordinates, along with the time, latitude and longditude to a altitude and azimuth for a telescope mount or camera., (*2)
composer install leonboot/ra-dec-to-alt-az
require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Radec\Calculator as radec; $radec = new radec(radec::decimaldegrees(latitude), radec::decimaldegrees(longditude)); $radec->setradec(radec::decimaldegrees(right_ascention), radec::decimaldegrees(declination)); $time = strtotime('now'); $azimuth = $radec->getAZ($time); $altitude = $radec->getALT($time);
This gives the number of days between $timestamp and the J2000 epoch. Wikipedia Article, (*3)
This gives the universitl time in decimal form. All calculations in this are performed using decimals from degrees, minutes and seconds and the time equivalent (hours, minuites and seconds)., (*4)
This just divides the UT by 24 to get the fraction of a day., (*5)
This calculated Local Sidereal time for the latitude and longditude set in the constructor. The approximation is within 0.3 seconds of time for dates within 100 years of J2000., (*6)
Gets the current hour angle - the current angle of the observers location relative to the celestial sphere., (*7)
Returns the altitude of the specificed target at this time at a location., (*8)
Returns the azimuth of the specified target at this time at a location., (*9)