9999999-dev for storing and retrieving flash data / messages.
The Requires
- php >=5.0.0
by Joel Vardy
messages data flash
Library for storing and retrieving flash data / messages.
This is a simple library which has two static methods allowing you to get/set flash data or messages., (*1)
Coded by Joel Vardy., (*2)
Add the following to your composer.json
require object:, (*3)
"joelvardy/flash": "dev-master"
Set data upon failure., (*4)
Flash::data(array( 'username' => $username, 'email' => $email ));
Read data to display on the front end:, (*5)
$data = Flash::data();
Set an error message:, (*6)
Flash::message('error', 'You must enter a valid email address.');
Read all flash messages:, (*7)
$messages = Flash::message();
You may also be interested in my template library., (*8)
Library for storing and retrieving flash data / messages.
messages data flash