Debug Helper
Debug Helper is a set of convenience functions that wrap var_dump()
. Because lazy., (*1)
Use Composer to install Debug Helper., (*2)
"require": {
"jeremykendall/debug-die": "*"
d() and dd()
and dd()
wrap var_dump()
and die(var_dump())
, respectively. Both
functions use the same method signature as [var_dump()
][4], meaning you can
pass more than one argument to the functions and each argument will be dumped
individually., (*3)
void d ( mixed $expression [, mixed $... ] )
void dd ( mixed $expression [, mixed $... ] )
, (*4)
An example usage is available in example.php., (*5)
require_once './vendor/autoload.php';
$one = array('one', 'two', 'three');
$two = 'String argument';
d('debug', $one, $two);
dd('debug and die', $one, $two);
echo "You'll never see me.";
The example can be executed from the command line:, (*6)
$ php -f example.php
string(5) "debug"
array(3) {
[0] =>
string(3) "one"
[1] =>
string(3) "two"
[2] =>
string(5) "three"
string(15) "String argument"
string(13) "debug and die"
array(3) {
[0] =>
string(3) "one"
[1] =>
string(3) "two"
[2] =>
string(5) "three"
string(15) "String argument"
, (*7)
In my opinion, var_dump()
is best used in concert with Xdebug. You
should be using Xdebug in development anyhow, so go install it now. NOW., (*8)