9999999-devJSON API strategy for the league/route package
The Requires
The Development Requires
1.0.0 API strategy for the league/route package
The Requires
The Development Requires
JSON API strategy for the league/route package
The league/route routing package which allows custom strategies. This package provides a custom strategy for compatibility with the JSONAPI standard., (*1)
This package can be used with league/route version 3 or higher. In previous versions the custom strategies aren't enabled., (*2)
You can install the package via composer:, (*3)
composer require inthere/jsonapistrategy
, (*4)
Set the strategy for the route collection:, (*5)
use InThere\Route\JsonApi\JsonApiStrategy; $route = new League\Route\RouteCollection(); $route->setStrategy(new JsonApiStrategy());
Or use the strategy for individual routes:, (*6)
$route = new League\Route\RouteCollection; $route->get('/foo', Foo\FooController::bar::class) ->setStrategy(new JsonApiStrategy());
$ vendor/bin/phpunit
, (*7)
Contributions are welcome. We accept contributions via pull requests on Github., (*8)
The MIT License (MIT). Please see the License File for more information., (*9)
InThere - "The training Through Gaming Company" - speeds up training your team and change processes by providing a micro-training concept based on serious games., (*10)
JSON API strategy for the league/route package
JSON API strategy for the league/route package