9999999-dev https://www.iphp8.comA collection of useful functions.
The Requires
- php >=5.6
- satooshi/php-coveralls ^1.0
The Development Requires
by Hylin Yin
A collection of useful functions.
A collection of useful functions that implemented as classes., (*1)
composer require hylin/miniutils
Convert character from UTF-8 to Unicode., (*3)
string utf8ToUnicode(string $str[, string $prefix = '\\u'[, string $suffix = ''[, bool $reserveAscii = true]]])
str, (*4)
The string to be converted., (*5)
prefix, (*6)
The prefix of string to be converted, the default is \u, (*7)
suffix, (*8)
The suffix of string to be converted, the default is empty string., (*9)
reserveAscii, (*10)
Whether the ascii character will be converted or not., (*11)
string unicodeToUtf8(string $str[, string $prefix = '\\u'[, string $suffix = '']])
string replaceSuffix(string $str, string $suffix)
string getSuffix($str[, $withDot = false])
void function keyMap(array &$array, callable $callback)
void merge(&$array1, ...$array2)
void multiSort(&$array, $key[, $order = SORT_ASC[, $maintainIndex = false]])
string timestampToUtc(int $timestamp[, bool $minTime = false])
A collection of useful functions.