Omnipay: MOLPayID
** MOLPayID driver for the Omnipay PHP payment processing library**, (*1)
, (*2)
Omnipay is a framework agnostic, multi-gateway payment
processing library for PHP 5.3+. This package implements MOLPayID support for Omnipay., (*3)
MOLPayID is a payment gateway offering from MOLPayID Sdn Bhd. This package follows the MOLPayID API Specification (Version 12.1: Updated on 12 April 2015)., (*4)
Omnipay is installed via Composer. To install, simply add it
to your composer.json
file:, (*5)
"require": {
"gstearmit/omnipay-molpayid": "~2.0"
or, (*6)
"require": {
"weshop/omnipaymolpayid": "~2.0"
And run composer to update your dependencies:, (*7)
$ curl -s | php
$ php composer.phar update
Basic Usage
The following gateways are provided by this package:, (*8)
- MOLPayID (MOLPayID Payment)
For general usage instructions, please see the main Omnipay
repository., (*9)
Create a purchase request
The example below explains how you can create a purchase request then send it., (*10)
$gateway = Omnipay::create('MOLPayID');
$gateway->setEnableIPN(true); // Optional
$gateway->setLocale('en'); // Optional
$options = [
'amount' => '10.00',
'card' => new CreditCard(array(
'country' => 'ID',
'email' => '',
'name' => 'Lee Siong Chan',
'phone' => '0123456789',
'description' => 'Test Payment',
'transactionId' => '20160331082207680000',
'paymentMethod' => 'credit', // Optional
$response = $gateway->purchase($options)->send();
// Get the MOLPayID payment URL (
$redirectUrl = $response->getRedirectUrl();
Complete a purchase request
When the user submit the payment form, the gateway will redirect you to the return URL that you have specified in MOLPayID. The code below gives an example how to handle the server feedback answer., (*11)
$response = $gateway->completePurchase($options)->send();
if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
// Do something
echo $response->getTransactionReference();
} elseif ($response->isPending()) {
// Do something
} else {
// Error
Out Of Scope
Omnipay does not cover recurring payments or billing agreements, and so those features are not included in this package. Extensions to this gateway are always welcome., (*12)
$ phpunit --bootstrap src/Message/PurchaseRequest.php tests/Message/PurchaseRequestTest.php
$ phpunit --coverage-text
$ phpunit, (*13)
$ composer update --verbose, (*14)
composer dump-autoload, (*15)
Bao cao tien do kiem tra nhanh
$ phpunit --testdox, (*16)
[x] Purchase
[x] Complete purchase success
[x] Complete purchase invalid s key
[x] Complete purchase error
[x] Get name not empty
[x] Get short name not empty
[x] Get default parameters returns array
[x] Default parameters have matching methods
[x] Test mode
[x] Currency
[x] Supports authorize
[x] Supports complete authorize
[x] Supports capture
[x] Supports purchase
[x] Supports complete purchase
[x] Supports refund
[x] Supports void
[x] Supports create card
[x] Supports delete card
[x] Supports update card
[x] Authorize parameters
[x] Complete authorize parameters
[x] Capture parameters
[x] Purchase parameters
[x] Complete purchase parameters
[x] Refund parameters
[x] Void parameters
[x] Create card parameters
[x] Delete card parameters
[x] Update card parameters, (*17)
[ ] Get data
[ ] Send success
[ ] Send pending, (*18)
[x] Complete purchase success
[x] Complete purchase pending, (*19)
[x] Get data
[x] Send success, (*20)
[x] Purchase success, (*21)
$ phpunit --debug : Xuất thông tin gỡ lỗi như tên của một bài kiểm tra khi bắt đầu thực hiện, (*22)
Time: 1.09 seconds, Memory: 19.00MB, (*23)
There were 3 errors:, (*24)
1) Omnipay\MOLPayID\Message\CompletePurchaseRequestTest::testGetData
Omnipay\Common\Exception\InvalidResponseException: Invalid security key, (*25)
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/omnipay-molpayid/tests/Message/CompletePurchaseRequestTest.php:29, (*26)
2) Omnipay\MOLPayID\Message\CompletePurchaseRequestTest::testSendSuccess
Omnipay\Common\Exception\InvalidResponseException: Invalid security key, (*27)
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/omnipay-molpayid/tests/Message/CompletePurchaseRequestTest.php:40, (*28)
3) Omnipay\MOLPayID\Message\CompletePurchaseRequestTest::testSendPending
Omnipay\Common\Exception\InvalidResponseException: Invalid security key, (*29)
/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/omnipay-molpayid/tests/Message/CompletePurchaseRequestTest.php:54, (*30)
Tests: 38, Assertions: 87, Errors: 3, (*31)