This repository has been archived. It is no longer maintained and can be considered abandoned. While it may work with later versions of Laravel, you should exercise caution while using it to avoid introducing any unexpected security risks., (*3)
1. Run composer require grimthorr/laravel-toast to include this in your project., (*4)
2.Optional, Laravel 5.4 and below: Add 'Grimthorr\LaravelToast\ServiceProvider' to providers in config/app.php, and add 'Toast' => 'Grimthorr\LaravelToast\Facade' to aliases in config/app.php., (*5)
3. Include @include('toast::messages') or @include('toast::messages-jquery') somewhere in your template., (*7)
4.Optional: Run php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Grimthorr\LaravelToast\ServiceProvider" --tag="config" to publish the config file., (*8)
5.Optional: Modify the published configuration file located at config/laravel-toast.php to your liking., (*9)
6.Optional: Run php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Grimthorr\LaravelToast\ServiceProvider" --tag="views" to publish the views., (*10)
7.Optional: Modify the published views located at resources/views/vendor/toast to your liking., (*11)
Pop open config/laravel-toast.php to adjust package configuration. If this file doesn't exist, run php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Grimthorr\LaravelToast\ServiceProvider" --tag="config" to create the default configuration file., (*12)
Specify the class sent to the view for each level. For example calling the info method would send the info class to the view. If you use Bootstrap, you could set this to alert alert-info for ease of use in the view., (*13)
You can create a custom method here by passing a new level name and class. For example: 'help' => 'help' will allow you to call Toast::help($message). Alternatively, you can use the Toast::message($message, $level) method instead., (*14)
This package includes a couple of views to get you started, they can be published to your resources directory using php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Grimthorr\LaravelToast\ServiceProvider" --tag="views" or called straight from the package by including them in a Blade template: @include('toast::messages')., (*15)
@foreach(Session::get('toasts') as $toast)
{{ $toast['message'] }}
Use the Toast facade (Toast::) or the helper function (toast()->) to access the methods in this package. You can also chain multiple messages together using method chaining: toast()->success('done')->info('hello'). The title argument is optional., (*16)