9999999-dev of PHP Imagix in Greg PHP Application.
The Requires
The Development Requires
php greg-md greg-php web-artisans imagix php-app-imagix greg-app-imagix app-imagix
Integration of PHP Imagix in Greg PHP Application.
Integration of PHP Imagix in Greg PHP Application., (*2)
Download package:, (*3)
composer require greg-md/php-app-imagix
, (*4)
Install package:, (*5)
./greg install greg-imagix
, (*6)
Nginx, (*7)
# Imagix location ~* ^/imagix/.+ { # If images doesn't exists, send to PHP to create it. if (!-f $document_root$uri) { rewrite .+ /imagix.php last; } expires max; add_header Pragma public; add_header Cache-Control "public"; add_header Vary "Accept-Encoding"; }
MIT © Grigorii Duca, (*8)
, (*9)
Integration of PHP Imagix in Greg PHP Application.
php greg-md greg-php web-artisans imagix php-app-imagix greg-app-imagix app-imagix