2017 © Pedro Peláez

library ginger-php

The official Ginger Payments PHP SDK



The official Ginger Payments PHP SDK

  • Thursday, January 4, 2018
  • by fvdb
  • Repository
  • 4 Watchers
  • 5 Stars
  • 60 Installations
  • PHP
  • 1 Dependents
  • 0 Suggesters
  • 3 Forks
  • 3 Open issues
  • 11 Versions
  • 13 % Grown


Ginger PHP bindings

Build Packagist MIT License, (*1)


  • PHP 8.1 or later
  • JSON PHP extension
  • cURL PHP extension


You can install the PHP bindings using composer:, (*2)

composer require gingerpayments/ginger-php

You can also use the PHP bindings without using Composer by registering an autoloader function:, (*3)

    function($fqcn) {
        if (substr($fqcn, 0, 7) === 'Ginger\\') {

        $pathToGinger = __DIR__ . '/relative/path/to/ginger';
        $class = substr($fqcn, 7);
        $path = sprintf('%s/src/%s.php', $pathToGinger, str_replace('\\', '/', $class));

        if (is_file($path)) {
            require_once $path;

Or you could just include the composer generated autoloader:, (*4)

require_once 'ginger-php/vendor/autoload.php';

Getting started

First create a new API client with your API key and API endpoint:, (*5)

use \Ginger\Ginger;

$client = Ginger::createClient('https://api.example.com', 'your-api-key');

Initiating a payment

You can start a new payment by creating a new order:, (*6)

$order = $client->createOrder(
        'merchant_order_id' => 'my-custom-order-id-12345',
        'currency' => 'EUR',
        'amount' => 2500, // Amount in cents
        'description' => 'Purchase order 12345',
        'return_url' => 'https://www.example.com',
        'transactions' => [
                'payment_method' => 'credit-card'

Once you've created your order, a transaction is created and associated with it. You will need to redirect the user to the transaction's payment URL, which you can retrieve as follows:, (*7)

$paymentUrl = $order['order_url'];

It is also recommended that you store the order's ID somewhere, so you can retrieve information about it later:, (*8)

$orderId = $order['id'];

There is a lot more data related to an order. Please refer to the API documentation provided by your PSP to learn more about the various payment methods and options., (*9)

Getting an order

If you want to retrieve an existing order, use the getOrder method on the client:, (*10)

$order = $client->getOrder($orderId);

This will return an associative array with all order information., (*11)

Updating an order

Some fields are not read-only and you are able to update them after order has been created. You can do this using the updateOrder method on the client:, (*12)

$order = $client->getOrder($orderId);
$order['description'] = "New Order Description";
$updatedOrder = $client->updateOrder($orderId, $order);

Initiating a refund

You can refund an existing order by using the refundOrder method on the client:, (*13)

$refundOrder = $client->refundOrder($orderId, ['amount' => 123, 'description' => 'My refund']);

Capturing a transaction of an order

You can initiate a capture of an order's transaction by using the captureOrderTransaction method:, (*14)

$client->captureOrderTransaction($orderId, $transactionId);

Getting the currency list

You can use the following request to retrieve a list of available currencies in ISO 4217 format., (*15)

$currencies = $client->getCurrencyList();

For each available payment method for your account, you receive a list with available ISO 4217 currencies., (*16)

Custom requests

You can send any request that the API accepts using the send method. E.g. instead of using the createOrder method you could also use the following:, (*17)

$result = $client->send(
    'POST', // Request method
    '/orders', // API path
    $orderData // Data to send with the request; optional

The $result variable would then contain the decoded JSON returned by the API., (*18)

Using a different CA bundle

If you need to use a different CA bundle than the one that comes with your system or cURL installation, you can provide custom cURL options indicating the location of your CA bundle as follows:, (*19)

use \Ginger\Ginger;

$client = Ginger::createClient(
        CURLOPT_CAINFO => '/path/to/ca-bundle.pem'

For more information on which cURL options to use, refer to the PHP cURL documentation., (*20)

Custom HTTP client

This library ships with its own minimal HTTP client for compatibility reasons. If you would like to use a different HTTP client, you can do so by implementing the Ginger\HttpClient\HttpClient interface and then constructing your own client:, (*21)

$myHttpClient = new MyHttpClient();
$client = new Ginger\ApiClient($myHttpClient);

Make sure your HTTP client prefixes the endpoint URL and API version to all requests, and uses HTTP basic auth to authenticate with the API using your API key., (*22)

API documentation

For the complete API documentation please prefer to the resources provided by your PSP., (*23)

The Versions