Number Component
, (*1)
The Number Component contains methods that can be useful when working with numbers., (*2)
composer require flextype-components/number
use Flextype\Component\Number\Number;
Converts a number of bytes to a human readable number by taking the
number of that unit that the bytes will go into it., (*3)
echo Num::format_bytes('204800'); // 200 kB
echo Num::format_bytes('214901', 1); // 209.9 kB
echo Num::format_bytes('2249010', 1); // 2.1 MB
echo Num::format_bytes('badbyteshere'); // false
Converts a file size number to a byte value., (*4)
echo Number::convertToBytes('200K'); // 204800
echo Number::convertToBytes('5MiB'); // 5242880
echo Number::convertToBytes('2.5GB'); // 2684354560
Converts a number into a more readable human-type number., (*5)
echo Number::quantity(7000); // 7K
echo Number::quantity(7500); // 8K
echo Number::quantity(7500, 1); // 7.5K
Checks if the value is between the minimum and maximum (min & max included)., (*6)
if (Number::between(2, 10, 5)) {
// do something...
Checks the value for an even number., (*7)
if (Number::even(2)) {
// do something...
Checks if the value is greather than a given minimum., (*8)
if (Number::greaterThan(2, 10)) {
// do something...
Checks if the value is smaller than a given maximum., (*9)
if (Number::smallerThan(2, 10)) {
// do something...
Checks if the value is not greater than or equal a given maximum., (*10)
if (Number::maximum(2, 10)) {
// do something...
Checks if the value is greater than or equal to a given minimum., (*11)
if (Number::minimum(2, 10)) {
// do something...
Checks the value for an odd number., (*12)
if (Number::odd(2)) {
// do something...
Transforms a number by masking characters in a specified mask format, and
ignoring characters that should be injected into the string without
matching a character from the original string (defaults to space)., (*13)
// ************5678
echo Number::maskString('1234567812345678', '************0000');
// **** **** **** 5678
echo Number::maskString('1234567812345678', '**** **** **** 0000');
// **** - **** - **** - 5678
echo Number::maskString('1234567812345678', '**** - **** - **** - 0000', ' -');
Formats a number by injecting non-numeric characters in a specified
format into the string in the positions they appear in the format., (*14)
// (123) 456-7890
echo Number::format('1234567890', '(000) 000-0000');
// 123.456.7890
echo Number::format('1234567890', '000.000.0000');
Formats a phone number., (*15)
// (061) 234 5678
echo Number::formatPhone('0612345678');
// (06) 123 456 78
echo Number::formatPhone('0612345678', '(00) 000 000 00');
Formats (masks) a credit card., (*16)
// **** **** **** 2938
echo Number::maskŠ”reditŠ”ard('1234263583742938');
// 1234 **** **** ****
echo Number::maskŠ”reditŠ”ard('1234123412341234', '0000 **** **** ****');
Formats a credit card expiration string. Expects 4-digit string (MMYY)., (*17)
// 12-34
echo Number::formatExp('1234');
// 12/34
echo Number::formatExp('1234', '00/00');
See LICENSE, (*18)