Image sizes helper for forWordPress
The image size component uses two classes: - AbstractImageSize, which you extend to create a image size. - ImageSizeHelper, which hooks into everything for you and registers the image sizes. - Lets create a pimple config for both of these, (*1)
$pimple["featureImageSize"] = function () { return new FeatureImageSize(); }; $pimple['imageSizeHelper'] = function ($c) { return new ImageSizeHelper($c['objectStorage'], array( $c["featureImageSize"] )); };
Create a concreate class that implements the AbstractImageSize class and implements the getName(), getHeight() and getWidth() methods., (*2)
class Feature extends AbstractImageSize { public function getName() { return "Feature"; } public function getHeight() { return 200; } public function getWidth() { return 600; } }
This above example is the bare minimum you must implement, the example that follows is the other extreme implementing all available methods., (*3)
class Feature extends AbstractImageSize { public function getName() { return "Feature"; } public function getHeight() { return 200; } public function getWidth() { return 600; } public function getCrop() { return false; } public function shouldShowInCMS() { return false; } }
$helper = $pimple['imageSizeHelper']; $helper->registerImageSizes();
That's it, the helper will then add all the needed hooks and register all the image sizes you have provided it., (*4)