Vanilla JS classes for search field callbacks, searching dom elements, and ajax queries., (*1)
Normally, this class is used with either DomSearch
or AjaxSearch
, however it may also be used independently using the syntax given below:, (*2)
let el = document.getElementById('<id of search input>');
let searchCallback = function(query) { console.log('you searched for' + query); };
let clearCallback = function() { console.log('you cleared your search.'; };
let _ = new SearchInput(el, { search: searchCallback, clear: clearCallback });
DomSearch Usage
Given this HTML:, (*3)
<input type="search" id="searchWithMe">
<table id="content">
<tr><td>things and stuff</td></tr>
This Javascript would use the class to filter rows based on the entry into the #searchWithMe
input:, (*4)
let si = document.getElementById('searchWithMe');
let fn = function(isFound) { this.toggleAttribute('hidden', !isFound); }
let _ = new DomSearch(si, { target: '#content tr', result: fn });
AjaxSearch Usage
The code below is an example of how the AjaxSearch
class could be used:, (*5)
let si = document.getElementById('searchWithMe');
let fnResults = function(data) { <your code to do something with the result data> };
let fnReset = function() { <your code to reset the dom to the pre-search state> };
let _ = new AjaxSearch(si, { results: fnResults, reset: fnReset });