Wrapper for zxing using php
PHPZxing is a small php wrapper that uses the Zxing library to Create and read Barcodes. Under the hood it still uses the Zxing library to encode and decode data., (*1)
{ "require": { "dsiddharth2/php-zxing": "1.0.3" } }
use PHPZxing\PHPZxingDecoder; $decoder = new PHPZxingDecoder(); $data = $decoder->decode('../images/Code128Barcode.jpg'); if($data->isFound()) { $data->getImageValue(); $data->getFormat(); $data->getType(); }
The Decoded data is an Array of Objects of PHPZxing\ZxingImage if the bar code is found. If not found then it is an array of Objects PHPZxing\ZxingBarNotFound., (*2)
The Existance of bar code can be found using the functoin isFound(), (*3)
use PHPZxing\PHPZxingDecoder; $decoder = new PHPZxingDecoder(); $data = $decoder->decode('../images/Code128Barcode.jpg'); if($data->isFound()) { $data->getImageValue(); $data->getFormat(); $data->getType(); }
You can also check using the instanceof object,, (*4)
use PHPZxing\PHPZxingDecoder; $decoder = new PHPZxingDecoder(); $data = $decoder->decode('../images/Code128Barcode.jpg'); if($data instanceof PHPZxing\ZxingImage) { $data->getImageValue(); $data->getFormat(); $data->getType(); }
The Public methods that we can use in PHPZxing\ZxingImage are,, (*5)
Method Name | Function |
getImageValue | Get the value decoded in the image passed |
getFormat | Get the format of the image that is encoded, example : CODE_39 |
getType | Get the type of the image decoded, example : URL, TEXT etc |
getImagePath | Get Path of the image |
The Public methods that we can use in PHPZxing\ZxingImage are,, (*6)
Method Name | Function |
getImageErrorCode | Get the error code for the image not found |
getErrorMessage | Error Message |
getImagePath | Get Path of the image |
use PHPZxing\PHPZxingDecoder; $config = array( 'try_harder' => true, ); $decoder = new PHPZxingDecoder($config); $decodedArray = $decoder->decode('../images'); if(is_array($decodedArray)){ foreach ($decodedArray as $data) { if($data->isFound()) { print_r($data); } } }
You can also use it with configurations. The Decoder has 4 configurations,, (*7)
Config Name | Function |
try_harder | If the image has bar/Qr code at unknown locations, then use this non mobile mode. |
multiple_bar_codes | If the image has multiple bar codes you want to read. |
crop | Crop the image and it will read only the cropped portion |
possible_formats | List of formats to decode, where format is any value in BarcodeFormat |
You can pass array of images too,, (*8)
use PHPZxing\PHPZxingDecoder; $decoder = new PHPZxingDecoder(); $imageArrays = array( '../images/Code128Barcode.jpg', '../images/Code39Barcode.jpg' ); $decodedArray = $decoder->decode($imageArrays); foreach ($decodedArray as $data) { if($data instanceof PHPZxing\ZxingImage) { print_r($data); } else { echo "Bar Code cannot be read"; } }
Reading multiple bar codes,, (*9)
use PHPZxing\PHPZxingDecoder; $config = array( 'try_harder' => true, 'multiple_bar_codes' => true ); $decoder = new PHPZxingDecoder($config); $decodedData = $decoder->decode('../images/multiple_bar_codes.jpg'); print_r($decodedData);
If your java PATH is not set properly, the decoder will not work. You need to set path of java variable., (*10)
use PHPZxing\PHPZxingDecoder; $decoder = new PHPZxingDecoder(); $decoder->setJavaPath('/your/path/to/java'); $decodedData = $decoder->decode('../images/Code128Barcode.jpg'); print_r($decodedData);
If you do not know the path to java, then you can use the following on *nix enviromnents, (*11)
$ which java
On Windows environment,, (*12)
> where java
For more info, on Windows read the follwoing stackoverflow Link, (*13)
Please Contribute or suggest changes., (*14)