Laravel MakeUser (Laravel 5 Package)
This is a simple Laravel package to create users by Artisan command., (*1)
Install package via composer:, (*2)
composer require dlucks/laravel-make-user
Register service provider in config/app.php
of your project (you can skip
this step when using Laravel 5.5 or higher, because of the package discovery
feature):, (*3)
'providers' => [
// ...
Copy configurations and translations into project:, (*4)
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=make_user
After publishing the vendor files there is a new configuration file
in your project. Within this file
you can set a couple of configurations:, (*5)
Parameter |
Description |
user_class |
Class name of the user model (default 'App\User' ). |
role_class |
Class name of the role model (default 'App\Role' ). |
user_validation_rules |
Array of validation rules to use for user creation. |
user_roles_relation_method |
Name of the method in user model to access the BelongsToMany relation to users roles (default roles ). |
hash_password |
Flag to indicate if to hash the given password before saving (default true ). |
To create a new user execute the make:user
command and set an
email address as a parameter:, (*6)
php artisan make:user
During the command execution you will be asked for a password
and for roles to be attached to the created user., (*7)