9999999-devA Laravel 4 Service Provider for the Elasticsearch API client
The Requires
by Shift 31 Consulting
A Laravel 4 Service Provider for the Elasticsearch API client
This is a Laravel 4 Service Provider for the offical Elasticsearch API client:, (*1)
Require "shift31/laravel-elasticsearch": "dev-master"
in your composer.json, (*2)
Create app/config/elasticsearch.php, modifying the following contents accordingly:, (*3)
return array( 'hosts' => array( 'your.elasticsearch.server:9200' ), 'logPath' => 'path/to/your/elasticsearch/log' 'logLevel' => Logger::INFO; );
Add 'Shift31\LaravelElasticsearch\LaravelElasticsearchServiceProvider'
to your 'providers'
array in app/config/app.php, (*4)
Use the Es
facade to access any method from the Elasticsearch\Client
class, for example:, (*5)
$searchParams['index'] = 'your_index'; $searchParams['size'] = 50; $searchParams['body']['query']['query_string']['query'] = 'foofield:barstring'; $result = Es::search($searchParams);
If you return an empty array in the config file:, (*6)
defaults to localhost:9200, (*7)
defaults to storage_path() . '/logs/hostbase-elasticsearch-' . php_sapi_name() . '.log'
, (*8)
defaults to Logger::INFO
, (*9)
A Laravel 4 Service Provider for the Elasticsearch API client