, (*1)
FTP for PHP is a very small and easy-to-use library for accessing FTP servers., (*2)
It requires PHP 8.1 or newer and is licensed under the New BSD License.
You can obtain the latest version from our GitHub repository
or install it via Composer:, (*3)
php composer.phar require dg/ftp-php
If you like it, please make a donation now. Thank you!, (*4)
Opens an FTP connection to the specified host:, (*5)
$ftp = new Ftp;
$host = 'ftp.example.com';
Login with username and password, (*6)
$ftp->login($username, $password);
Upload the file, (*7)
$ftp->put($destinationFile, $sourceFile, Ftp::Binary);
Close the FTP stream, (*8)
// or simply unset($ftp);
Ftp throws exception if operation failed. So you can simply do following:, (*9)
try {
$ftp = new Ftp;
$ftp->login($username, $password);
$ftp->put($destinationFile, $sourceFile, Ftp::Binary);
} catch (FtpException $e) {
echo 'Error: ', $e->getMessage();
On the other hand, if you'd like the possible exception quietly catch, call methods with the prefix try
:, (*10)
When the connection is accidentally interrupted, you can re-establish it using method $ftp->reconnect()
., (*11)
(c) David Grudl, 2008, 2023 (http://davidgrudl.com), (*12)